Who are....


Sep 11, 2002
Seattle WA USA
Visit site
? who are the the people in the pic on this start page? or does anybody know? names please left to right, I know it was taken before one of these recent gigs.

Reason because I'll probably never be able to get over there to meet any of you any time soon.

Thanks to anybody who can answer this. :) :)
I think the man with the hat (from the right) is Nibbs.... or maybe you already knew that?......oh, whatever :confused:
What start page? no pax(if I may call you that old boy)I dont wear teeshirts with any band name on.The reason being it pigeon holes me to much and Ipay enough cash out in cds , gigs that i cant afford it. Does sound a bit deep?
Hail again Rock peoples..
well one of them is me in the pic, i'm the grinning bald headed bloke with the hand in the air, yep Nibbs is the bloke in the hat sitting...the bloke 2nd from right is Tim and then 1st right is Brett then a couple of there mates and also the big fella is Ed (otherwise known as Giant guy ha ha ha!!!) the chap with beard to the left of me i forget his name...taken in the Moon under water pub..Conquistador was with us but had left a few moments earlier. Yep i did change into a new top a groovy red one, a bit different for a change...hope i wasn't to drunk at the concert...i did take it easy...like shock horror i didn't even have a drink with me when that photo was taken....how unrocker like of me.
Here's the pic Wilks:

Ahh yes them people i spoke to some of them I think.You see the reason I say I think is I said hello and then the wife rang,so i did'nt get a chance to tell Vince what a grand job he does.
By the way Paxoman I got that pint for you but I did'nt meet you so I drank it,I got you another but we did'nt meet so I drank it,so I thought i would get you another just in casebut wedid'nt meetso...............hang on all starting to make sense now .Cheers Paxoman you got me drunk:lol: :lol: