Who could receive/repack a package in USA and ship it to Europe?

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Sep 12, 2006
I'm basically looking for gear acquisition service - I'd like to purchase something online but the seller does not ship to my location, so I need someone that could provide his address in USA I could use for ship-to location and who then could forward the package to my address in EU.

The procedure I need would look like this:
He accepts the package. Then repackages the item, and ships to my EU address with some tax saving features...
This is to lower the customs and other taxes when the package reaches my country.

I don't expect this to be for free and i'm going to pay for this service + the shipping fee too.

I heard there are some used gear dealers that would do such services, but I just don't know them, so if you really know someone that's doing that and you used his service and can trust him, let me know.

I'm basically looking for gear acquisition service - I'd like to purchase something online but the seller does not ship to my location, so I need someone that could provide his address in USA I could use for ship-to location and who then could forward the package to my address in EU.

The procedure I need would look like this:
He accepts the package. Then repackages the item, replaces any original invoices with a mock-invoice that is either a repair invoice or invoice stating that it's a non-working/broken item - stating a low purchase price for the item. The item should then be shipped to my EU address insured to the stated value.
This is to lower the customs and other taxes when the package reaches my country.

I don't expect this to be for free and i'm going to pay for this service + the shipping fee too.

I heard there are some used gear dealers that would do such services, but I just don't know them, so if you really know someone that's doing that and you used his service and can trust him, let me know.


You could probably ask any one of us on here that had the time to do so... such as myself... I'd be willing to help out just about anyone on here just because of the valuable information that is provided on a daily basis... granted you could provide all the necessary documents for my printer, I could repackage and mail it off. no biggie.

is this a one time deal or something that you would be looking to do repeatedly?
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