Who do you trust?


Mar 26, 2009
Frederick, md
first off, ken runs a mail order bUsiness, not a review magazine.
he sells cds' not opinions:
so who do you trust when it comes to reviews of cds'

I can personally say that after several years of purchases from ken;
you know when he likes something beyond BUY OR DIE!

Over the years, I've developed a great deal of respect for Ken's opinion, as well as the opinions of many fellow music fans on this site.

I tend to make alot of blind purchases, or purchases after listening to a few song samples. For me, that's part of the fun of collecting music. I still get a nice warm feeling in my soul when I come across a new band or release which I have very little knowledge of. Sometimes it's a hit, sometimes a miss....alot like Life in general. :grin:


first off, ken runs a mail order bUsiness, not a review magazine.
he sells cds' not opinions:
so who do you trust when it comes to reviews of cds'

I can personally say that after several years of purchases from ken;
you know when he likes something beyond BUY OR DIE!


Sounds Like you 3 get a cut of the Action....:lol:
I, too, have a great deal of respect for Ken's opinion and I find I agree with him 90% of the time. I also give a lot weight to the opinions of the folks on this forum. I think it's great to have so many folks who share my love of progressive music to exchange ideas and opinions with.

That said, for what seems to be an eternity, I have trusted my own gut instinct over any other influences when it comes to music (and it has rarely let me down). Ok, so buying Tony MacAlpine's 1990 sellout album ("Eyes Of The World" I think it was called) wasn't my finest moment but, in the span of ~5,000 album purchases, I have missed only 80-100 times...

I don't put a lot of stock in reviews.
I listen to the samples & trust the people on this forum (all except Bob :grin:)

(Just kidding! You have recommended some good ones to me Bob!:kickass:)
& if it wasn't for all of you, I would never have checked out Riverside or Anathema (which has become one of my favorites!) :kickass::wave::)
I put a lot of trust in Ken's write-ups and the thoughts and opinions of the folks here as well. I haven't been steered wrong yet. I also like the reviews on Sea of Tranquility.
Regardless of what anyone writes, since it's all subjective and based on opinion, and I check out samples before buying about 95% of the time.
To tell you the truth, I don't really fully trust anybody's reviews. Over the years, you learn to read between the lines, looking out for key words and such.
I will try to read several reviews, compare , and evaluate. In the end, however, it's the actual song samples that I rely on....and I am finding that i need to hear at least half the cd before making up my mind, these days.
I find that many bands these days continue to take the bad habits from other bands, not to mention relying on the typical formulas and cliches.
I read tons of reviews and listen to samples...but to be honest I really like to hear whole songs before I judge if I'll like something or not...Ken sure knows his prog but I like a lot of other types of music also...I bought Gno on his recommendation it was a lot like Freak Kitchen...and while I didn't think they sound that much like FK they had the chops I like similar to FK and turned out to be a great disc...still my main reason for buying something will be my own gut feeling...as Raptured stated reviews can't always be trusted...it's only your own ears you can trust.
I read tons of reviews and listen to samples...but to be honest I really like to hear whole songs before I judge if I'll like something or not...Ken sure knows his prog but I like a lot of other types of music also...I bought Gno on his recommendation it was a lot like Freak Kitchen...and while I didn't think they sound that much like FK they had the chops I like similar to FK and turned out to be a great disc...still my main reason for buying something will be my own gut feeling...as Raptured stated reviews can't always be trusted...it's only your own ears you can trust.

I pretty much stay away from Cds that are not sung in English, Since most Prog. cds are story telling, If I dont understand whats going on, I get turned off....I also stand clear of female vocals in Prog also.....( Renaissance) is my only Exception.......:wave:
SSSSsssshhhhh! don't tell Bob about Ken's Wishful Sinful wishlist
Quick! Contest! Contest!
the first person who can name that artist and explain the triad around him
wins 500"Golden" points, and two cds from ken's "relics from my youth" collection; but only those cds ending in the letter "Q", or the number"37".
the contest ends December31st, 1999.
winners will be notified by pony express
unless atacked by Indians. Cleveland, or Washington.
In case of a tie, nobody wins!

[Dam its hot in frederick!

have a good weekend!

There is a guy named Daniel Reichenberg who writes the prog reviews for Sweden Rock Magazine, that I really trust. After reading his reviews for several years I have found that we have almost identical taste in progressive music.
I do like and read Ken's write ups as well. Always very informative and on the spot.
SSSSsssshhhhh! don't tell Bob about Ken's Wishful Sinful wishlist
Quick! Contest! Contest!
the first person who can name that artist and explain the triad around him
wins 500"Golden" points, and two cds from ken's "relics from my youth" collection; but only those cds ending in the letter "Q", or the number"37".
the contest ends December31st, 1999.
winners will be notified by pony express
unless atacked by Indians. Cleveland, or Washington.
In case of a tie, nobody wins!

[Dam its hot in frederick!

have a good weekend!


They is Something wrong with you Lately,,Did you forget to take your Meds??(THATS WHY THEY CALL IT SUMMER):Shedevil::flame::hotjump::Smokedev::heh:
I don't put a lot of stock in reviews.
I listen to the samples & trust the people on this forum (all except Bob :grin:)

(Just kidding! You have recommended some good ones to me Bob!:kickass:)
& if it wasn't for all of you, I would never have checked out Riverside or Anathema (which has become one of my favorites!) :kickass::wave::)

If it wasnt for Me you wouldnt have gotten::wave::grin::D:)
Riverside or Anathema

""Just to Name 2""
and the answer is jim morrisson wrote Wishful Sinful
and the triad is he, and jimi and janis all o'ded within a year of each other

and the winner is..........................
wait, the dog has the paper with the name on it
come here, damnit