Who does bass-track reamping?


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
Just something we're considering for our next album. Getting the bass-tracks reamped. Who around here does it, at reasonable rates, and with what amps+cabs???
I have a Peavey Max 450 and an Avatar 4x10 that I could mic up with an SM7B or 57, whichever sounds best. I'll also do it for dirt cheap! =D

I second going with Ermz bass awesomification thing, though... Lol.
I think what Drew is saying is that he wants his bass DI's reamped through an actual bass rig, like an Ampeg or Eden or something, rather than pre-processed and psuedo-amped with amp sims, impulses, hardware compression, etc. That could all certainly, and probably will be done afterwards, but reamping bass ≠ "bass awesomification."

This should in no way, shape, or form be taken as a dig on Ermz methods or services, just pointing out that it's a different thing.
hey man, PM me if you want to reamp your bass.
I have Mesa 400+, Gallien Krueger 1001, SUNN Model T, Ampeg 6 pro, SWR 900 amps and Ampeg 8x10, Ampeg 4x10, Mark Bass 6x10, SWR 1x15 cabs.
JeffTD said:
I think what Drew is saying is that he wants his bass DI's reamped through an actual bass rig, like an Ampeg or Eden or something, rather than pre-processed and psuedo-amped with amp sims, impulses, hardware compression, etc. That could all certainly, and probably will be done afterwards, but reamping bass ? "bass awesomification."

This should in no way, shape, or form be taken as a dig on Ermz methods or services, just pointing out that it's a different thing.

I'm pretty sure Ermz's service includes actual reamping with real amps besides any extra processing. Any ways, I also suggested he could simply ask him to reamp without the rest of the "awesomeification"
Cheers guys. Just something I am bearing in mind - whoever (and if I do go for it) does it *will* have the guitar tracks if they wish. It might not be necessary, as we might just hire out a decent bass amp and record it ourselves - which I am more in favour of tbh. But it's whether the band as a whole can afford it or not, and whether our bassist can find the time to record all the tracks in a three day weekend.