who does like dream theater on this forum? am i the only one?

well i like them too, but after scenes from a memory, i think they haven't made great albums...it's like queensryche's albums after operation mindcrime and empire...
and i don't want to hear that the effects in six degrees can be called experimenting....everybody can do that in 10 minutes with the proper sound programs and equipment...Let's face it: dream theater is now a very commercial mediocre band... (i'm not an anti-commercial guy)

I mean, everybody knows how Portnoy's breaks will be before he plays it...
They remind me of Yes (not musically), when after Bruford's depart they played almost the same music.

They should take example of King Crimson, that nobody knows how the next album will sound, and thats going on for 36 years...

despite that, i really love everything since since scenes from a memory....
(I hate james labrie's vocals by the way. Imagine Dream Theater with Ray Alder)
ahh come on i love his vocals man what do guys want black metal or somthin for his vocals now that would be wierd :confused: i dont get it
hes got like mass range and then sometimes he will even sound like dave mustaine which is awsome :headbang:
I think they are a good band.....all great musicians...Labrie is a great vocalist...I jsut want to smack him whenever I look at him and I think Myung does some really tasteful stuff....

However...some people seem to think of them as the be all and end all of "progressive", which I don't think is a fitting title....

Ignore me, I used to really like DT, but jsut lately I've really gone off them, I just can't stand to listen to them at the moment, they are boring me rigid!
Why people don't like LaBrie? Well, how about:
• I think his voice sucks, and no technique can make up for that. Live, he's really crappy; can't hit the high notes and that really shows that he's singing in a range that isn't comfortable for his voice.
• The moans that he ends every sentence with are tremendously annoying.
• He sounds pretty whiny.
• When he does his moany and breathy vocals... ugh. Just ugh. It's not expressive, it's just creepy.
• His enunciation is whacked. OK, so he's Canadian, but that doesn't explain why he can't pronounce certain words when he's singing. Seriously... he's way off most of the time.
• He's at his worst when he's trying to sound aggressive though... that's just hilarious.

Turn in next week when I review the musicianship of the rest of the band.* I usually don't really care that much to comment unless, as in this case, the overratedness is immensely rampant. Now, remember that this isn't really attacking the persons, it's attacking the people ascribing certain, otherwordly, things upon these persons. But I guess this disclaimer will amount to absolutely nothing, as always.

However, when Portnoy dares compare himself to Bruford, and says things like "People like me, and all the other great drummers in the world" (2004 Sabian promo video)... then he's ripe for being verbally slapped around.

Oh, also, please bear in mind there's only like 5-10 vocalists in the world that I truly like, so... I'm picky. 99.99% of all vocalists are not vocalist material.

*: Hehe, not really.
Portnoy is not as a good drummer as his fans believe...

I mean, he dares to make an instuctional video when bobby jarzombek has one too, not to mention various other drumers like Dave Weckl etc...
In front of them he seems like an amateur.

However he's very clever and he has found ways to persuade people that he is the best...When you are EXTREMELY good, most of the people can't understand it. For example: if a drummer plays very fast breaks and double bass in 4/4 he may be considered better (by most of the people) by a drummer who plays intelectually in 11/16 (like brufford let's say).

That's why portnoy is the best clinician, the best progressive drummer 85 years in a row, etc...because he is as good, as an amateur drummer hopes to be one day. If he was better, the amateurs that vote for him wouldn't vote because they wouldn't understand that he's good...

hes got like mass range and then sometimes he will even sound like dave mustaine which is awsome

jojo, would you even compare james labrie with daniel gindenlow??
Taedium Vitae said:
Why people don't like LaBrie? Well, how about:
• I think his voice sucks, and no technique can make up for that. Live, he's really crappy; can't hit the high notes and that really shows that he's singing in a range that isn't comfortable for his voice.
• The moans that he ends every sentence with are tremendously annoying.
• He sounds pretty whiny.
• When he does his moany and breathy vocals... ugh. Just ugh. It's not expressive, it's just creepy.
• His enunciation is whacked. OK, so he's Canadian, but that doesn't explain why he can't pronounce certain words when he's singing. Seriously... he's way off most of the time.
• He's at his worst when he's trying to sound aggressive though... that's just hilarious.

Couldn't have said it better! The fact that he sucks penguin arse live makes it even worse. Hell, then don't TRY to sing those high notes, even if you'll make them sound good in the studio with some autotuning...
And, if he had thrown away his Jesus image some years earlier, it would've been a small comfort...

As for the other musicians... Myung has a blinding technique, but it feels like he can't play anything cool unless Petrucci tells him to. He's too much of a classical musician that way. :)
Portnoy isn't half as good as fans make him, but I like his works with Transatlantic and LTE. But, why Portnoy when all these Ink drummers along with the almighty Virgil Donati makes him kind of unnecessary?
Rudess is a killer, he can play tasteful and beautiful stuff. But, the progmetal genre doesn't allow him to show his abilities the way he could in LTE. The synth lead solo in Kindred Spirits, that gives me goose bumps!
And, Petrucci... I like the guy more than most non-fans. His technique is good enough, and he CAN play tastefully, when he wants to. That is, in LTE.

Anybody wanted great singers? You've got it, Chris; Gildenlöw is the man, along with Jorn Lande of Ark. A.C.T.'s singer is great, too, but I guess A.C.T. are somewhat less metal oriented than the other bands, and he sings thereafter. He can actually hit the high notes, though, and they don't even sound as high as they are! :worship:
Myung could use more "space", i think they aren't using him as they should.
Portnoy is a good drummer, but he isn't much more than that.
Petrucci is a truly great guitar player.
Rudess is the best musician in the band, i love the way he plays.
LaBrie......well, tell me a reason why i shouldn't beat the cr*p out of him. LOL
well pain of salvation just bores me same with opeth

sorry it seems like stoners listen to that stuff and dont really like stoners!! there annoying especially when you want to be ain a band with them cuse they are always flakes and they dont wanna do anything but smoke!!!!

its not that stoners listen to them im just not in the right mood to listen to pos but they are pretty good but i still love james labrie's vocals and john petrucci is amazing i just wish he didnt cut his hair
I don't smoke, or even drink (except that I have this tea addiction...) and I STILL think PoS and Opeth are two of the best bands ever. :D

Neither of them are as sellout as Dream Theater; they've got an artistic integrity, and when they run out of ideas, they'll develop their sound instead of getting stuck doing bad ballads, or ripping off other bands (and, why rip off bloody Muse and LINKIN PARK?? And Metallica?). I've got to admit, though, that "I Walk Beside You" is one of the best songs I've heard. Gives me goose bumps! PoS has "Undertow", though, and that one makes me ecstatic. Jeez, it's a painful one!!
nay, coffee really does taste awful! :yuk:
I started drinking such a lot of tea because it's so lovely... when I noticed that after a dry day, I got the most terrible headache that would last until I drank another cup... Turns out it's abnormally easy for me to get addicted, and a great many of my relatives are or were alcoholics, so I figured out I should let that stuff be. Bad thing with tea is that you sweat a lot in the summer, and you generally have to pee a god damn hell of a lot as well... :tickled:
so you start a whole thread to see if people share youre opinion for comfort? youre more of a knob than the stoners then. "please like what i like... BUT I HATE THE STONERS."

like whatever music you like. who cares if its fricking dream theatre, public enemy or madonna. as long as you enjoy it and it in inspires you, thats all that counts. if it doesnt inspire you, fabulous... move on... music can be very basic and simple to be inspiring or moving. sometimes its heavily masturbatory on the instruments so it seems "elite" in execution. big whoop. most of the bands youre talking about all work in ROCK formula with ROCK instruments or use the traditional "must use snare, bass drum, etc" and "guitar" garbage... or work heavily on repetition of parts throughout the songs anyhow.

no one has a problem with that though or the fact that all these bands stick to "rules" and "theory" and "methods" to generate their music. fine and dandy, but theres always exceptions to rules for creating music... and creating music doesnt always have to be to please your spectators...

half the time, all you get on here is criticism on "how not to play music" from people who dont present any of their music to anyone else... or frankly dont even play...


jo jo said:
well alright you guys have your opinions and i have mine
He tries. They do a "tribute" (as it's known to be called in DT circles) to Megadeth in some track on some recent album... just after they lift a part from Metallica's Blackened IIRC. Pretty sure that's one of Portnoy's brilliant ideas.