Who does Novembers Doom's artwork?

I seem to rememeber someone else doing it on OSIASF, but I cann't read the CD booklet. I'll get back to you when my eyes are better...
Paul did the layout, but a friend of mine named Albert Keresztes did the actual sketches. Paul took different works from Al's sketchbook (he was an art student at the Art Institute of Chicago) and pieced together the cover, the tray card, and the back of the tray card. Most of the additional stuff like the graph looking thing and the inside swirly brown-orange stuff Paul made himself though, I think.

Good work Paul :)

I thought that but wasn't sure and couldn't read the booklet... If you eer need any sketchbooks just take my schoool notebooks :lol: they're full of sketches :)

I would have to say OSIASF is great artwork, allthough TWTF is good in a different way.

Will you do the layout for my CD? It's called "Fuzzy Bunny Rabbit Picnic" and is a concept album about guys in doom metal bands who wear cowboy hats.

01. Larry has a cowboy hat.
02. Why?
03. Have you ever met Larry?
04. Yeah. I see what you mean now.
05. At least he doesn't ride a hobby horse around the venue.
06. Any more!
07. Hey, stop picking on Larry!
08. Why?
09. He's a Decent guy!
10. So?
11.You're always putting down the blondes.
12. They have all the fun.
13. Larry has fun?
14. Yeah. In his own way.
15. Now you're picking on him too.
16. Not really. He's obviously a special little boy.
17. WTG Do you mean?
18. I mean... a cowboy hat? In doom metal?
19. Don't you get started on it!
20. I mean sure lots of doom dudes dig Johnny Cash...
21. I don't think he ever wore a hat.
22. He used to have cool hair.
23. Really?
24. Ever see pictures from the Sun records days?
25. He was on Sun?
26. Yeah. Before Columbia.
27. Did he ever work with Jerry Lee Lewis?
28. I believe so.
29. I wish he kicked some sense into that guy.
30. How so?
21. A fourteen year old cousin?
22. Sort of like a cowboy hat in doom metal
23. Man... that is just wrong.
24. I have an excuse. I'm drunk.
25. Again?
26. Yeah well I looked in the To Welcome the Fade booklet and encountered a cowboy hat. So you know... drink to forget.
27. Puppies
28. Kittens
29. Colts
30. Cowboy Hats
31. A Mockingbird Cries Out As Its Heart Is Devoured By The Worms
32. Inside the Eye of a Sparrow, I See Only Shadows
33. Not Entirely Without Soul
34. No seriously... a COWBOY HAT
35. Dude, lay off Larry.
36. Why?
37. You're drunk.
38. Wait... I thought you were drunk?
39. Maybe we both are.
40. That would explain why I'm not sure who I am
41. Seriously, Larry's cool shit.
42. It's paul who creeps me out.
43. Why?
44. He said he'd shave Larry's ass for Star Wars DVDs.
45. That is just... odd.
46. Fucking musicians.
47. Nuns.
48. Buns
49. Suns
50. Runs
51. You're kidding right?
52. No. It was a cowboy hat.
54. The chicks seem to dig it.
55. Hmm a cowboy hat you say?
56. Sellout.
57. Oh,bite me.
58. No. You're too fatty.
59. Seriously man, fuck you. You know how much effort I put into losing weight!
60. Yeah. And I see how miserably you failed daily.
64. It's the cowboy hat, isn't it?
65. Yeah. Suddenly, I'm all like... *makes suggestibe purring noise*
66. And you're not even a chick.
Wow. Lay off the goddamned hat already, lol. I barely wear the hat, I just wore it to photo shoots a couple of times. Who cares if noone wears them in doom metal? I promise next time I wont wear it, I will wear a Skepticism long sleeve and stare at the ground while standing in a forest for the next album's pics instead, don't worry!

And yeah, I know you guys are mostly just joking around, but jeez...pick on Paul for once, damn it! LOL
Larry ah but you haven't seen the titles for disc 2 yet! The concept is the singer of a doom metal band who reminds me of the time I got into a comb fight + the consumption of fried chicken every time I see him perform for no explicable reason!