Who else is bored at work?

I'm busy working, so I'm not bored. There's no down time, it's only a short shift.
I think pornstars get real bored, hence why they need fluffers and drugs to keep on the job.
Same could be said about musos...
I'm working nights at the moment, so I'm spending time here to pass time until I must journey to work.
Dave, may I suggest you read up some paranoid conspiracy theories, like HD TV is mindcontrol (or that regular tv was before that and radio was before that)...
Im soo Unlucky, the shopping center I work in has been playing them for 2 weeks now! To make matters worse I have no control over it, they play them loud enough to hear them in the stores, over the store music, Im actualy starting to like the adds at least they arnt Carols!!!!! :cry::cry:o_Oo_O I dont want them to look for a replacement I love my job
I feel your pain, long Hot day today for me too! Working last night then watching Dr Who till Midnight probably wasnt the best idea... fuck I just realised Im working saturday too. When will this week end!
I'm bored at home, does that count?

I do have a shit load of stuff to do [waiting for the fifth load of washing to finish so I can put it in the dryer and then have an ironing parti, plus have to clean the mass amount of mess that has seem to have been made somehow despite neither myself, my boyfriend or his sister even being home this weekend...] but I'm probably just gonna entertain myself for a while with food + Assassin's Creed 2.
I think the implication is that while you're at work, you cant do all the things you can do at home. They are frowned upon.
Mother Eel recommends saying that Tiger Woods was your lover for an extended period of time.