Who else went to Download?


Boogies Woogies
Nov 27, 2002
MillPark, Victoria, Australia
It was my forst ever festival, 1 im never drinking at a gig again i got absolutley smashed and 2 im going by myself so i can focus on the music :tickled:.

My biggest highlight was seeing Ghost they were just amazing and it felt like it was an actual show and not a festival slot. I also loved seeing Alien Weaponry the kiwi band.

My 3rd highlight was the Captain Morgan trailer :cool:
I went in Sydney and had a good time. Slayer in particular were amazing. Priest's guitar sound was excellent, and I only realised later that Andy Sneap was one of the guitarists. AIC were really good, well particularly for the older numbers. I've never been a huge Anthrax fan, but they were good live. And Behemoth is a band I'd like to see again.

Haha sounds like you had an interesting one!