who has gone from an un-treated to a treated room?

Incognito Man

Jan 27, 2009
another of the million things i MUST have is some traps/panels. right now i have zero room treatment. so my question is has anyone gone from no treatment to ordering some traps and putting them up and what was your first impression once you hit the space bar with them up? did you have a "holy shit" moment after hanging them?

im really wondering just how large of a noticeable difference they make.
im wondering just how many panels it will take to make a noticable difference. i would think you would need to go from a bare room to putting up 8-10 traps at once to get that wow factor.
Nah, not at all man, here's a pic of the only treatment I have:


Primacoustic Recoil Stabilizers under the monitors and Primacoustic Cumuluses in the upper tri-corner spots (they're rigid fiberglass). I got both before I got my monitors, and even with my old $100 pair of computer speakers the difference was definitely noticeable, specifically in the high-end detail, which I assume was because the excess bass that was masking it was being absorbed. I wanna eventually get big OC703 traps in the two vertical corners beneath the Cumuluses and one between them hanging from the ceiling, but, well, money :D But yeah, highly recommended!
I built 4 fiberglass filled absorbers/traps. Put 3 of them on wall and on ceiling at first reflection points. Did not notice any difference.

I know they work. You can hear a huge difference if you talk into one of the traps, as opposed to talk against the wall. But I noticed no differences in monitoring. My room is pretty big though (other than ceilings only 8 ft high) so I wonder how much of a difference treatment actually makes for nearfields.
Should've put them straddling the corners Damian! (a task made easier by these) That's where they do the most good (and even more so in the tri-corners, which is why I forked out the $110 for the pair of Cumuluses pictured above; no way could I have gotten a DIY job to install that cleanly!)
I have 6 DIY panels I built. Three 2" thick for reflection points, and three 4" thick for the corners. There was a pretty good difference in sound when I put them up. I've yet to hang them but they work great just leaning against the walls and corners.
Should've put them straddling the corners Damian! (a task made easier by these) That's where they do the most good (and even more so in the tri-corners, which is why I forked out the $110 for the pair of Cumuluses pictured above; no way could I have gotten a DIY job to install that cleanly!)

the closest corner in my room is over 10 feet away, so I figured first reflection points would be way more important.
Well the thing to realize is that since bass wavelengths are so huge, they can totally reflect back to where you are and create nulls - and since treating the first reflection points didn't seem to do much, I figure you might as well stick the panels in the corners and see what happens!
Well the thing to realize is that since bass wavelengths are so huge, they can totally reflect back to where you are and create nulls - and since treating the first reflection points didn't seem to do much, I figure you might as well stick the panels in the corners and see what happens!

Well, it's hard to do an A/B when you have to drill holes in your ceiling and hang chains so you can hand one of the traps as a cloud :lol:
You sort of forget what the room sounded like before. Maybe I just have a terrible auditory memory?

It's true low frequencies have logn wavelengths, but it's important to consider amplitude attenuation as a result of distance traveled. Any sound that bounces back from these distant corners is going to be significantly attenuated.
Nah, not at all man, here's a pic of the only treatment I have:


Primacoustic Recoil Stabilizers under the monitors and Primacoustic Cumuluses in the upper tri-corner spots (they're rigid fiberglass). I got both before I got my monitors, and even with my old $100 pair of computer speakers the difference was definitely noticeable, specifically in the high-end detail, which I assume was because the excess bass that was masking it was being absorbed. I wanna eventually get big OC703 traps in the two vertical corners beneath the Cumuluses and one between them hanging from the ceiling, but, well, money :D But yeah, highly recommended!

those are dam sweet looking!
It's true low frequencies have logn wavelengths, but it's important to consider amplitude attenuation as a result of distance traveled. Any sound that bounces back from these distant corners is going to be significantly attenuated.

True, but low frequency sound also has lots of energy. What's the first sound you hear when walking towards an outdoor gig venue? ;)
Believe me, the most important thing is that you measure the room first! You really have to get to know the room to know where the problems are and also to see what REALLY helps and what doesn't. I have spent quite a lot of money for acoustic treatment over the years believing this would help. When I started measuring I really opened my eyes.

My room sounds quite good now and is treated with huge MB Akustik Helmholtz Traps, Real Traps, thick foam and some GIK traps. It's within 13db where I sit and work, which is ok.

I highly recommend Room EQ Wizard for this.

All the best,
yeah position makes quite a difference but that will only take you so far.

i built 18 panels for my room, somewhat small room, covered all necessary locations and fuck im still amazed by the difference, although my ears have got used to it now.

but id say the best thing about is how well you can see into a mix, i was blown away when i could actually hear notes clear as day from a bass, before they we just a muddy boom.

but i would go cheap and simple for panels, it cost me less then $200 for 18, 4" panels.