who has hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?

Originally posted by Stygian Apothegm
asphyx you didnt have to explain it you dork :)

i have a weak vocab so i dont like long words like SAT analogies FUCK YOU STUPID ANANGLOESI

jflasdjfdlsa is to as u89vdsak is to


Fuck, every time I've seen your posts I've thought you were from Greece. I never kept reading up to the "Georgia" part.
hehe long words are really annoying to type on a keyboard and hell to spell them right..i dont know how the doctors do it.....like the longest medical word is like over 3000 letters or something..missing one letter and you'd have to start over...FUCK!!
Originally posted by BodomiC
The longest word in polish is:

konstantynopolitanczykowianeczkowna :D

Long, isnt it?

Tch, that's NOTHING. The longest word in the world is, I hear, Swedish. No, not the actual word "Swedish" dumbass, but a word from Sweden I mean. I can't remember what the hell the word is since it's nothing that's used very often in every day spoken Swedish, but it was looong as fuck anyway.
YEah, that swedish word has almost 52 letters :d
And konstanty.... means a person that comes from a region in Poland called Pu³awy as far as I know, its just the longes. U may compare it to sth like "new yorker" or "berlinian" if i'm thinking right :D
NO offence, my english suck bad ass