Who has the Johansson Brothers first CD "The Last Viking" w/ Romeo?


New Metal Member
Jan 26, 2004
I've had a hard time finding this album, and although its comprised of all former Yngwie members (minus Romeo), I've heard that its a lot more keyboard based than guitar based. Being Jens and Anders project, I can understand this, but I've heard from a few people who have it that Romeo's playing is a lot more laid back on this record, and that I shouldnt be expecting too much shred soloing from him on it, its a little different. I guess I'm surprised to hear this considering the talent that is on the record (not to mention Goran Edman, whom was always my favorite Yngwie singer). Again, ive never heard the recording, so im going by hear-say. Anyone who has this album, post some reviews and/or thoughts about your like or dislike for it. Thanks
"The Last Viking" is solid disc. Definitively, Jens Johansson shines out of Stratovarius. Neo Classical metal at it best, Romeo and Jens Johansson play amazing solos and the songs are well done. You can hear the elegant Romeo playing on the acoustic guitar (he also did a good job as a bassist) and the majestic voice of Eldman (Ex Yngwie). The 90% of the songs were written by Jens and Ander. Romeo helped them in the final track. Fans of old Yngwie (like me) will enjoy this disc for sure.

In a few words: Epic lyrics, great musicianship, good production.

Best songs: The Last Viking and Forest Song.

Line Up: Jens Johansson: Piano and Keys
Michael Romeo: All Guitars and Bass
Goran Eldman: Vocals
Ander Johansson: Drums
This cd is a must have for Yngwie/SX fans.
Romeo takes a back seat to Jens but that doesn't hurt the disc since, IMO, Jens is one, if not the best there is at what he does.
Goran sounds great also.
The japan disc has a bonus song that is one of the best on the cd if you can find it.
Yes I bought the JAP import, and I love it ;) I'm not gonna repeat same thing what the guys said above, If you like Neoclassic metal then this is a must! :D
btw the track SAMURAI rocks so much \m/ Excellent CD IMO.
I was in Japan when this came out and picked it up because I love Jen's work. This has some great songs but I don't think it exploits more than 30% of Romeo's talent. This was the first time I'd heard MJR play I wasn't digging it to be honest (very run of the mill rhythm playing and decent but not life-altering lead work) but luckily I checked out SymX and found out what he's really capable of.

The recording is EXTREMELY dry sounding, hardly a drop of reverb in earshot on vox, drums or guitar which makes it sound very stiff and "stuck in a small room".

I do think it's some of Edman's best singing because unlike Yngwie, the brothers never forced him to sing way out of his comfortable range, and I think Jens said something similar to that at the time.
Zax666 said:
@ggggggu - Those swastikas? What's the story behind them?
(I don't really believe someone into SymX might turn out a neo-nazi.)
I'm sure he's that same revengedrama guy that got banned sometime ago, I remember he was from finland and had nazi stuff in his sig. I thought he was pretty funny.
back on topic...I like Last Viking a lot, and think Romeo took some pretty cool solos on it. As far as side projects that Romeo's been invloved with go tho, I'd have to say Waiting For the Dawn is still my fav.
ARGGGHHH! This is the THIRD friggin time I've tried responding to this post. The first time I got bumped off when I tried to post. Lost the text. The second time, my browser froze...lost the text! If this doesn't work, I GIVE UP!

Anyway. I agree that this is a GREAT cd! I have a couple things to add. I think those who DON'T like it were expecting something totally different. In fact, I remember a lot of bitching when it first came out. "It doesn't sound like SyX," or, "It's not as GOOD as SyX." And then a really cool thing happened. (this was back when I was on the edge of forever mailing list.

Jens, who had been known to post there from time to time, got online and basically scolded everyone one for being closed minded. But he was so cool and poilte. I was really impressed with his tact, and I also agreed whole heartedly with his point. He basically said, "Guys, when I want to hear something that sounds like SyX, I listen to SyX...that was never the point of this project."

It IS a very different sounding album, but if you've heard any of Jens' solo stuff, that shouldn't be a shock. Of course I, like every ROMEO fan, would've like to hear more of him in the mix, but the way is is mixed gives the cd a very unique and organ-y balance. I personally think it's very cool!

It reminds me of Deep Purple in a way, only with this generation's highest caliber musicians. I don't mean to detract from Purple's greatness or importance, but judging objectively, I think it's hard to deny that musicianship has soared to new heights since then. Imagine Romeo, Jens & Anders doing Purple covers and you'll see what I mean.

A few more things. I think the vocals are very cool on this cd. Lyrics too. Yes, they kinda stay within the genre, but in that idiom they are very cool. By FAR my favorite moment on the album is the Jens/Romeo duo in "Fading Away." It's FRIGGIN MIND BLOWING!!! I'd really like to know how that was recorded. Was it an improvised solo that Jens did, and then Romeo learned and doubled it? or Vice Versa? or was it actually a composed part?! Does anyone know? I suspect the first.

Anyway, that's all I have to say. If you don't have a preconception of what you think it should sound like, you'll probably enjoy it a lot more! And again, the musicianship is AWESOME! through and through.

Paul Adrian
If you want to hear the Johansson brothers go off in a solo context then get 'Heavy Machinery' with Holdsworth on guitar.

I'm gonna go put on The Last Viking and give it another spin.....its been a coupla years.
Taliwakker said:
If you want to hear the Johansson brothers go off in a solo context then get 'Heavy Machinery' with Holdsworth on guitar.

Can't argue there. Heavy Machinery is superb! It was really my first exposure to AH. I expected great things knowing that Romeo was influenced by him, and STILL I was floored!

Only thing about that one is having your ears get used to having only synthesized bass parts.

Thanks Taliwakker and Negrock SyX.

Tali, I've heard the E! album after a friend asked me to buy it in Japan for him. It's all trio stuff which is nice for a change. It only took me the first 3 songs to work out why the album was called E! ;)
Reread the post..it wasn't a message board, it was TEoF (The Edge of Forever, the SymX mailing list). Jens is still a member there, but hasn't posted in some time.