Who have already heard the new songs they played alive????


Sep 1, 2001
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Pleeeeeze, did anybody listen to the new songs?????
If so, tell us how is it like????
I can't find them at KaZaA or mirc!!
And I really want to hear!!
When will this fucking disc come out???????
:yell: we aaaaaare, the enemies of reality...
in a world that's not forgiving :yell:

xxx Iris xxx
the chorus still sticks in my head like crazy..
and no, don't get your hopes up, i don't have it..i just heard it and i still remember, that's all
haha, EVERYBODY!! was singing along, even the security guys were diggin' it, so...i guess that song is a killer!
It's just Nevermore, can't say anything else.
Just wait and be patient..

xxx Iris xxx
then go and listen to the heartcollector and get yourself together again.. ;)
Nevermore to feel the pain!
Only thing we can do is wait...and getting the mp3's sooner then the disc would be out, is killing the surprise and the band as well!

xxx Iris xxx
killing the surprise? fuck that. ill download it the first chance i get. ill probably buy it when it comes out as well, but if i can get it sooner rather than later i will.