Who here has any one of No Return's(French death/thrash band) first 3 albums?

Terminus Est

Dec 8, 2002
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Well yeah if you know this band by their albums Machinery and Self-Mutilation, they really do kick ass, but I'm looking for their three first albums; Psychological Torment, Contamination Rises, and Seasons of Soul. I tried finding a place where they can be ordered but no luck so far. Neither Amazon or Ebay have them. Nor does the UM Hub.

The reason I want these albums is because I found two songs(very rare Kazaa finds) from two of their old albums, and I have to say that this band must be so CRIMINALY overlooked.

BTW I'm posting this same thread in a few other UM forums because I really want these albums and I'm hunting for someone who can either give me copies of them or show me a place where I can order them.