Who here has any one of No Return's(French death/thrash band) first 3 albums?

Terminus Est

Dec 8, 2002
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Well yeah if you know this band by their albums Machinery and Self-Mutilation, they really do kick ass, but I'm looking for their three first albums; Psychological Torment, Contamination Rises, and Seasons of Soul. I tried finding a place where they can be ordered but no luck so far. Neither Amazon or Ebay have them. Nor does the UM Hub.

The reason I want these albums is because I found two songs(very rare Kazaa finds) from two of their old albums, and I have to say that this band must be so CRIMINALY overlooked.

BTW I'm posting this same thread in a few other UM forums because I really want these albums and I'm hunting for someone who can either give me copies of them or show me a place where I can order them.
The UK branch of Amazon at http://www.amazon.co.uk has "Psychological Torment" listed, but states limited availability and says the label's out of stock. A long shot, but you could wait it out and see if they have any.

The site at http://www.superdisques.com has "Contamination Rises" on LP for sale at http://www.superdisques.com/contenu/cat2/frenchhard.htm . I'm not sure about this company, but they say they ship worldwide.

The site here at http://www.docrockshop.com claims to have "Seasons of Soul" for sale at http://www.docrockshop.com/artist/No%20Return/EN/1 . They claim to ship worldwide as well, but have risky return policies.

I also found a website at http://www.geocities.com/vernichtung1/ where the owner says they have "Psychological Torment" for sale/trade (under the New and Second Hand Stuff section). It looks risky and the place is in Belguim, so it's your call.

If all else fails, http://www.metalchamber.com claims to have all three for trade as burned disks, so look into that.

Again, I'm not sure about the accuracy/authenticity of any of the above companies who have your desired records in stock. Look up the details and ask questions. Good luck on finding the albums.
Thank you very much. However Psychological Torment doesn't seem to be on the UK Amazon site. All I found is Machinery. Perhaps I wasn't searching right so can you give me the link to Psychological Torment on Amazon UK?
Also that Super Disques site only has Contamination Rises as a vinyl record. I don't want it as a vinyl record. Besides, MetalChamber only makes vinyl recordings and I have to trade any one of the CDs that I have to get what I want.

Damn and CR was the album I wanted most.
Thanks mouse. I could try getting the cd from that guy.

Some guy finally replied to my thread in the Trade Forum saying that he has CR and would be glad to give me the mp3s IF I can tell him how to rip the CD. How exactly are music CDs supposed to be ripped?

I emailed the Belgian guy requesting Psychological Torment and he replied and gave me his address so I can send him the money.

And finally, some French guy PMed me telling me that he has the MP3s from Seasons of Soul. I PMed him back giving him my FTP info so he can upload them there.