who likes SCYTHE (GER)!?


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
they're on witches brew like lethal so i should have listened to them before but i actually haven't. they have a new album coming out real soon now and i recommend everyone to listen to it. it's "melodic death metal" as in actual real death metal with some melodic riffs and atmospheric clean guitar parts, even clean vocals. reminds me of old paradise lost a lot. sometimes they're nearly doom metal, sometimes total old school death. yeah. songs:


listen to these shitz. they're currently having a pre-order thing where you get the new album + one of their older albums (they have 3 previous releases) for 13 eur postage paid worldwide. SUPPORT!!!!!!! etc.
<egj> do you like SCYTHE
<Tully_> Yes ma'am.
<Tully_> Label mates of Lethal, aye?
<egj> yeah
<egj> did you hear the samples off their new album
<egj> i just did and my ass is kicked
<egj> http://ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=253719
<Tully_> This is sick, fuck yes to actual death metal.
<egj> yeah
<egj> it actually sounds a fuckload like old paradise lost
<egj> but mike, for example, will say SCYTHE FUCKING RULEZ because theyre on witches brew
<egj> while he will totally dismiss paradise lost for having an album called "gothic"
<egj> he's gay like that
<Tully_> Hahaha
<Tully_> They have an album called 'gothic'?
<egj> yeah
<Tully_> Teehee
I just got an email, so I should be checking them out soon. The two tracks are great Death Metal though.
Good, I don't have to do the gay street-teaming for this deal here now. :)

I have no fucking money though. Time to off shit on ebay?
Yeah, they're pretty rokkin'. Witches' Brew sent me some shitz to do for UM quite awhile back and Scythe was a part of it. By far the best of the bunch, "Disinclination" fucking rules. Devil Lee Rot was surprisingly pretty wicked fun too as I recall.
I bought "On My Way Home" a month or so ago. I've only listened to it once, so far, but I thought it was pretty cool.
its not like it even matters what label lethal is on at this point, i might just as well say century media and it will probably be true tomorrow and false next thursday
Erik said:
its not like it even matters what label lethal is on at this point, i might just as well say century media and it will probably be true tomorrow and false next thursday
Hasn't been WB for a good 6 months though and won't likely be again
itt the new album is really good music nearly ruined by some of the shittiest mastering i've ever heard

i really really hate when this shit happens