Who likes Twisted Sister!!


Master of the Earth
Oct 20, 2002
royston, herts, england
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'if you go to the hosted festival, bloodstock on the ultimate metal forum u can see more on this disccustion'

me and the ultimate meatl user 'eagle' ahve been having an arugment, are twisted sister good? i love em alot and think there one of the best 80's bands, they have aparently recently reformed and i want them to go to bloodstock, so anyone who likes Twisted sister back me up

p.s. is it true they have reformed? i cant find ne info on there reforming anywhere
Ya know, I believe it was Twisted Sister that started my corruption:lol: . I remember being about 8 or 9, watching "We're Not Gonna Take It" on tv with the sound off cuz my mother FORBADE me to watch it:lol: . I'm sure I wasn't the only one who re-enacted the videos:grin: Here's a ridiculous memory I have:

Me and my best friend at the time were in his pool in the back yard. We had a little step stool in front of the pool. He would play the dad and I would play the kid. He would stand on the stool with his back facing the pool and he would say "Whaddya wanna do with your life"....and I would say "I wanna ROCK!" (insert air guitar here) and then he would fall back into the pool:lol: How's THAT for sick and sad:grin:

Twisted Sister rawked...big influence at the time. Glad to see that they are back together:)
They were good back then. But i can't say i listen to them anymore. But if they get together and do a tour i will be there!
I used to listen a lot to TS, until they brought out the poor Come out and Play album (I think it was called like that, got to check) with this stupid cover ...
I have to say back in the day i was really into TS and QR among many others but they did stand out from the rest and dee snieder (sp?) did make a name for himself against tipper whore (i mean gore) and the P.M.R.C. I have to say yes TS was one of the bands that had a big influence on the 80's rock/metal scene
They fell off after Stay Hungry, but Stay Hungry and You Can't Stop Rock and Roll are classic albums. Twisted Fuckin' Sister was one of the first metal bands I got into, and I still think they deserve more respect than they ever got.

Put on "We're Not Gonna Take It" at a party, and you be hard pressed to find more than a hand full of people not singing along (not to mention one of the greatest videos ever!!!).

I'll be interested to see how far they can take a comeback in this day and age.
It is actually confirmed that Twisted Sister reunited Friday night December 13 at Don Hills in New York City. They will be doing several festivals in Europe next year and will likley to join Poison on the Poison summer tour. Hanoi Rocks is another band rumored to play with Twisted Sister and Poison.

I personally think it is great that Twisted Sister is back together. I have always liked them. Plus since I am only 17 and only got into metal two years ago and started going to concerts this year it will be good to see a band like that live even though they arent in their prime anymore.