Who saw


Jun 14, 2007
Back in the GR tour Opeth with Gene Hoglan in the place of Lopez? How did the songs sounded? Did you feel difference with Axe? Better? Worse? Which Things? Did he play the exact Lopez' patterns? What about touch and dynamics?
I did. He's Gene... so it was great... but remember he was simply filling in and thanks to him Opeth was able to continue with the tour. They only played 4 songs iirc and Gene did an better than adequate job considering the circumstances. This was on the SOTU tour... Gene even had to fill in during the filming of TGC video shoot. He didn't play exact Lopez patterns and there was not the same touch and dynamic feel as w/ Lopez yet it was a solid performance with a steady and consistent feel, which I know the band appreciated. Cheers to Gene for stepping up like that! He loves Mike and the band.
Thank you..do you know how much time it took him to learn the songs? Which songs were they?
I saw'em with opeth yes....it was a very good performace....i didnt notice anythign odd or out of place.....hes a solid guy...i couslnt even tell if it was Holgan or lopez...jsut by listneint..........PEAC EOUT