Who still buys Cd's or movies?


Nov 19, 2001
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I was wondering why many posters state that they have bought a number of cd's- when they could just as easily download the same cds for free. Is it the artwork- or liner notes? Does one wish to suppot ones favorite band? Does it bother anyones conscience to download songs for free?
I admit I buy cds from two or three bands i really love to support them, but other than that I "steal" the rest.
Hell these days one can find a new album on kazaa or winmx before it has even been released- I just downloaded the Dark Tranquility album.
I guess this post also indirectly poses the question of whether the internet hurts bands more than helps them.
I buy CDs mostly because the sound quality is superior and I enjoy having the complete package. I also do it to support the bands so they can afford to keep making CDs. People do argue that CD sales primarily go to the labels, which is true, but without them the label will drop the band. I do download to listen to things before I make a purchase decision; I wouldn't ever buy a car I hadn't test driven. But if I don't like it, I delete the mp3s. That's my opinion.
I'd rather listen to my favorite cd several times in a row than have to get on the computer every time I want to hear a song I downloaded off of the internet,simple as that.Besides,to get on the internet,I have to use the computer in my parents room and it's easier to listen to my stereo in my room so I don't have to make contact w/any ppl.
The quality on mp3 is as good as cds if you get either a 192- 256 bitrate- 192 the difference is almost not recognizable- 256 is just as good as a cd.
Yet dont any of you guys think that music is something that cannot and should not be bought and sold- that it is one of the highest artistic expression one can give to others. Yes as you see I have given up on being a muisician a few years ago- but seriously though- any great artist or musician shouldnt be into their work for the money and fame- if they were, their work usually bears the stains.
I agree with everyone that said they buy cds... I have a few burned cds, but thats mostly crap (Staind, Fuel, Disturbed) that i just wanted to hear it... I like having REAL cds in my collection not stupid CR-R with a sticker slapped on it. also, 256 bitrate might sound like a supirior quality but CD quality is better because it is technically 1192 bitrate. Its still not noticeable too much with 256 bitrate though. I download songs and If i like a few songs from a CD i wil buy it. I think since filesharing programs make more people buy cds.
Well, my dl time is way slow for one thing. ANd i am an avid collector, so i like the package deal as well as jim. ANd the sound is a bit low on cdr's. I do have heaps of the recorded ones though.
256 kbit is not CD quality. In any compression, there is loss. I can't personally hear any difference between 128 kbit and 256 kbit mp3s but I can tell CD audio from mp3. And no, music shouldn't be free. The artists need to be able to support themselves or they won't be able to make the music. I do think music is overcommercialized as pretty much everything is, but I don't let that sour my appreciation and respect for the real musicians in the world. I'm the same way with movies. If I appreciate a movie and want the filmmakers to continue making them, I will support it by going to watch and/or buying the DVD. I suppose you're content downloading divx rips of DVDs.
Originally posted by Rusted_in_peace50
the reason I buy CDs is because I want to listen to the music the way the artist who recorded it wanted me to. The songs are put in a certain order for a reason, we get the lyrics and cover artwork as well as inside artwork that goes with it. Hearing new music through my computer speakers isnt nearly as exciting as unwrapping a new CD and listening to it for the first time all the way through. People here will have the new Nevermore CD completely downloaded months before it comes out most likely, and I dont want to take part at all, i want my ears to be virgin to the new nevermore. Even if they release a song to this website, i dont want to hear it and ruin the experience.

Agrees, however I won't lie...the temptation to hear a track or two will be quite the "Garden Of Eden Situation" lol
I got hundreds of music media, I buy shit I download shit, Most of it gathers dust, does it give me a high( well I have thought about it).
when I was a youngie of 12 i copied a shitload of KISS stuff, because my buddy had the whole lot...and I really like em...
did I give a fuck about feelings/money no way...still don't. Do you fucks give a fuck about my life have you ever asked me am I worth what I give out to you all & society as such, man what I recieve and hear its all cynical.


oh with the compressions, you guys up the top don't kow what the fuck your talking about, only a dude in a hifi shop can tell the differences, a hint its all about the bass, actually i heard now that vinyl is stil the best for the high tones for some reason, and you can shove dark t, up your ass dude, what a waste of perious time...cause it's all about 6 bands in the world and all the rest just twist it.

and this poofters statements----->: Even if they release a song to this website, i dont want to hear it and ruin the experience.

<<<--- YOUR A FUCKEN IDIOT, think about it, your experience- you wouldn't even know what the word mean't --->>>>

and this jimbohick's statement :--->>>but I don't let that sour my appreciation and respect for the real musicians in the world.

<<<--- YOUR ANOTHER FUCKEN IDIOT, think about it, YOU WOULDB'T KNOW what the *real deal* is anyway --->>>>

oh and if you can't understand me, i don't give a fuck, I don't lose any sleep. Take my points, in 10yrs you will see I am better than a barking dog- I am the GOD.

does the net hurt bands, don't know , don't care...

unlike true light up there , i do care whether DLing bands songs hurts them or not. Which is why i don't do it too often. If i want the band to keep making music, i have to care whether what i'm doing is hurting thier chances for survival in the dog-eat-dog world of music. Sure, everythings overly commercialized, but that does mean we should rip-off the guys who just want to make music? Fuck no, and if we don't show support by buying CDs then they're gonnna get dropped from the label, and we won't be able to hear anything new, because if they're still even together, they're not going to be able to get it to us. So yes it should matter, and yes you should care if you still want that band to make new stuff ever again. So in regards to true light's motto "do what u want and fuck the rest" then have fun fucking yourself when a band you like stops making music because they got dropped from their label for a lack of sales, and the reason for that is you and people like you ripped the band off by downloading the songs and not thinking of the consequences.

Anyway, whether the sound is the same or not, whether or not record sales go to the label or the band, none of those matter. What matters is, the record label will want $$ from the band if they're going to continue to support the band. IF they're not getting money because your lazy/cheap ass is DLing the CDs instead of buying them, you're digging that bands grave, and the grave of your own chances of ever hearing anything again from them.

So i'm drunk and going to fuckin' bed, goodnight
Yes, i do buy my cd's..but i guess i would be digging my own grave, if i didn't!! If everybody stayed at home, downloading stuff..i'd be unemployed! :s
And yes, i want the original. The music business is a "dirty business"and i think buying the original, shows some appreciation. If i don't buy it...there won't be money. And besides, because of all this copying, cd's are WAY too expensive!
Each cd you buy, you have already covered three! copies, just in case...that's SICK! I wonder if the musicians see that money too??
Save my job...don't download!!! ;)

xxx Iris xxx
I would actually prefer not to be able to download whole albums, because I can't resist it and it spoils the fun of listening to a new album. I do buy all albums that I listen to regularly as mp3s.
dont any of you guys think that music is something that cannot and should not be bought and sold- that it is one of the highest artistic expression one can give to others.

...And how exactly would the whole pacakge get to the fans? If there was NO money involved, then there would be no record company, and hence, no cd's...

I have a pile of stuff downloaded, yeah... a couple of gig actually, but i buy the stuff that i really like, and the stuff that i think deserves supporting... The other thing is availablity...!! Metal don't grow on trees... over here at least not...

Do you seriously get the same buzz from downloading a song as you do opening the cd/record for the first time, seeing the art, digesting it, reading the lyrics, liner notes..?? Well, if you do, i applaude you.... *clap Clap*, i guess i am just a weak, subspecies... a quasi-human, a psuedo-man... :D
oh i agree with Iris ! (and with everybody eles)
because alot of people are dowloading cds, and mp3s, CDs at stores will be more expenssive, its a neverending race...
you download- it'd get more expenssive, (although it should be cheaper..)
i assume that everybody who download cds love music and appriciate the art, right?
so why not buy the original one? its more fun to have the whole package, instead of an ugly "TDK" cover or whatever...
and if you keep downloading- the people in the music industry will lose their jobs and also bands...
its a never ending race, but someone has to stop it.
and metal was always about supporting bands and the music,
right? :)
well i have a lot of factory cds and i have a lot of cdrs. the main reason i have so many downloaded albums is because i got them when napster still worked, and i didnt have a job so i had no money to buy cds. when you have no cash $15 is a lot of fucking money for a cd. now i buy and somtimes my friends and i copy off each other. you cant tell the difference in quality at all. the average human ear just isnt that talented. if you really want to monetarliy support a band, go to a show and buy a tshirt and buy their cds there if they have them.
You think you have an original NEVERMORE in shrink wrap, but its all pirated from china, etc to the tune of 5 billion, unless you know what you are lloking for you are still getting ripped off, and maybe the band..

I bet you all ripofff the software companies as well...
SUCK ON THAT!!!! now....