Who wanted epic death metal?


May 25, 2005
New Jersey, USA
Melechesh is releasing a new album!! They're middle-eastern influenced death/black, they're really good and there's a new audio sample of theirs on The End Records site. http://www.theendrecords.com/label/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=579&Itemid=49

They're pretty epic to me, and granted the vocals aren't deathy, they've got a really heavy and brutal feel to them that makes me think of EoS at times. Phazm is releasing a new album too, and Novembers Doom! The End has a good chunk of bands from the death metal world releasing things in 2007! :loco:
They aren't actually Israeli, they started in Jerusalem, but none of the band members are Israeli, haha! Too bad you don't liek the vocals Tumn :(!
I wish Proscriptor were still in the band. He really made them great, I think, when you compare Djinn (without Proscriptor) with Sphynx (with Proscriptor). Absolutely amazing the difference.

Good band, though. I'll check out the new album, though the last one was rather disappointing.
karpsmom said:
They aren't actually Israeli, they started in Jerusalem, but none of the band members are Israeli, haha! Too bad you don't liek the vocals Tumn :(!

If you want to be petty about it...yeah none of the members is jewish but Asmedai and Moloch did have israeli citizenship and lived in the armenian part of the "old city" in jerusalem. The fact is they wouldn't have relocated if not for the over reaction of some orthodox pricks and media misinformation.
In israeli Id's next to nationality it states "Israeli" only if you're jewish...now being not jewish doesn't make you any less Israeli. Asmedai is part armenian and part assyrian and Moloch is assyrian but the point is that assyria doesn't exist...it's an ancient kingdom (which by the way was responsible for the exile of the 10 lost tribes of Israel in 722 bc) that ceased to exist at 609 bc,while the region from which assyria originated was controlled by the Babylonians who dispursed different nations all over their empire then Babylon fell under the arms of the Persian empire then Alexander the great and eventually Rome.

hystory's a bitch!