Who wants a Stone DVD?

pallarandersvisa said:
ok its up on soulseek now. my user name is PallarAndersVisa. the file name is stone.live.01.mpeg, its like 200+ megs.

send me a message on SS so i can cancel some other leechers to get you going

Now this guy kicks some serious ass! Him and Zakk_Hate_me666 should get some serious :worship: . To all the rest that just keep things to themselves and do not share, I say Fuck you very much! (No offense intended in that)
TIP-Doppelkeks said:
think the idea is fine.
and six bucks isn't really that much for a blank dvd, plus shipping to whereever.
just bought a CD from ebay yesterday and shipping was two euros. from germany to germany!
think of that.

but it's interessting to see, that pallar offers to ship his stuff around for self costs and everyone is just complaining about getting it cheaper or faster somehow.
not everyone has got a gig of webspace damnit!!!
what about thank you instead of these attacks?
maybe he get's 50cent of every DVD if the shipping is about 3 bucks an the disc about 250 somewhere, but wtf?
he ripped it, burned it and packs and ships it for you!
should take a while all together. check the incoming on bank account, go to post office and ship it.... I'd not take the job if I got 50cent for it.

attitude in this place sucks once in a while...

lol yeah, it does piss me off but i didnt really expect otherwise from this place. I dont even really post here because most of the people here are just janne butt licking assholes :loco:

none the less. the video is up on soulseek and a bunch of people have gotten it, but the quality is much better on the DVD, so if anyone wants a dvd, the offer still stands.
someone should do this for the cob show in seoul cuz i cant download shit like that i am a poor fuck who don't have all this modern tech crap, but that don't mean i dont like to watch these bands
EDIT: Nothing... do what you want.

I uploaded Stone Cold Soul musicvideo to that FTP... enjoy!
And maybe I'll upload one live audio bootleg aswell.

Sharing is caring.
pallarandersvisa said:
this shit is too big for me to host, i have no place to host it, and the quality would be even shittier if i compressed it from VHS format. its not like im proffiting from "selling" it.

hey man, i can help you, i have a lot of space in the net to host it, so , what do you think?
Fuck! Thank You! I've wanted to see some live video of Stone for ages. I hope you are going to keep this ftp online for a while.

If anyone has more stuff like this, please share it, i'd really appreciate it, thanks!

(had to register again, cos i couldn't remember my old password and don't have that email anymore :( haven't been here in years...)
sonof said:
EDIT: Nothing... do what you want.

I uploaded Stone Cold Soul musicvideo to that FTP... enjoy!
And maybe I'll upload one live audio bootleg aswell.

Sharing is caring.

so... how about that bootleg? ;)
overtake said:
so... how about that bootleg? ;)
Ah sorry I meant COB bootleg and not Stone... my bad, I explained it so badly :blush:
And the (Children Of Bodom) audio bootleg is there.