Who want's "Into The Mirror Live"????


Sep 16, 2001
Toronto , Canada
I will trade a burned copy of ''Into The Mirror Live " with pro copy of the front insert and back cover a for live Nevermore video
. I will even pay the fargin postage.
...hmm... I don't have a live Video........ but I can send you an old pair of shoes in return...??!
how about i send you a fart in an air tight container? or i could just drive to your house which wouldn't take more than an hour if i knew where in toronto you lived and i could just fart in your house and ditch posting charges? theres alwyas that
bu tseriously i would i f i could
Yeah, they made me turn off my camera right in the beginning, but some other guy was hiding behind one of those big cement things near the center left of the room (know what i mean?). i guess they didn't see him because he got the whole thing. WISH I KNEW WHO IT WAS!!!
I have the songs on mp3 and could easily burn them myself. I would never trade a video for a burnt cd.
on pal video , the postage will be $5 usa buckaroos.

is that cool
I wouldn't mind ya stopin' by here in TORONTO
I bet you wouldn't even have to open up your used up ass in this domain to spread yor anal vapour,your breath would propably make this lair smell like SHIT!!! .Sorry to keep you ,I think your late for your special ED class now.
