Who wants some free CDs?


Old-School Headbanger
May 31, 2005
The Multiverse
I posted these discs on E-Bay for a fucking penny each plus shipping and no one wanted them.... its not like they are shitty bands..... people are just cheap i guess.... anyway, first one to post their interest gets them.....

Judas Priest - Living After Midnight (Best of)
Double Shot: Metal (2 discs)
Ted Nugent - Great Gonzos (best of)
Floodgate - Penalty
Speak No Evil - Welcome to the Downside

:headbang: :hotjump: :loco: :worship: :err: :oops: o_O :dopey: ;) :p :wave:
Hey Zombiman I know I didn't win but you're a hell of a guy for doing that. I say we all pat you on the back and give you a big HELL YEAH. You, sir, are such a man with the greatest of testicular fortitude! I salute you.
I am sorting my vinyls right now for offering them on ebay .... feel kinda bad reading that you give your CDs away for free ...... enough feeling bad, I´ll sell mine :)
I'm giving bad advise for free. PM me is you need some :D