Who wants teeth?


Oct 14, 2001
I remember seeing a thread awhile ago in which some people wanted teeth, and seeing how I got my wisdom teeth pulled. Who wants em?
toby .. i forgot to check at home last time. can you email me and remind me? i am going back today and will be there all week and i will try to remember.

email = ats@verizonmail.com
if i have more than one, i will give one to you and one to mia.

p.s. if i remember correctly, the teeth i had removed were abnormally large and i have a small mouth. weird. scary.
I have 4 wisdom teeth of my own, and that' smore than enough. They clomp down on my cheeks, especially when eating burritos for some reason.
hi guys.

i just changed my mind, and i've decided that i really don't need those teeth anymore. in fact, i've given up on this tooth collection thing (for the sole purpose of competing with mia) all together now.

please kindly send all your teeth/molars to mia.
i love mia, she's the best.

One of my wisdom teeth is finally starting to poke through (I can see/feel one little corner of it), so if I have to have them removed, I'd be honored to donate them to y'all (although, I might end up keeping one for myself)....

By the way, while I'm on the subject, how many people end up getting them removed (like maybe a ratio of wisdom teethers to non-wisdom teethers)? Also, why do they even get removed anyway? I've heard they're supposed to hurt (which this first one barely did so far, for about a few days), and I guess the accidental biting could be a reason (although 'til now I've never heard complaints about it, at least due to the wisdoms (I accidentally bite myself all the time without any wisdom teeth)).

Well anyway, I'll let y'all (Toby and Mia) fight over them yourselves if they do get taken out.
Hi please send them to me, if you could! Whether you want to send to mia or me, that address will serve, just label the envelope as you wish. (to Toby)

thanks!!! I will be eternally grateful!
