who wants to rock????

boo berry

Jan 8, 2005
with their tight jigsaw jagular riffs, punishing drum work, phattest beatboxing, and monolithic throat tearing, world's greatest dad are right about to take the indie world by storm. download newest self titled song from the self titled album from the self titled band today!

don't miss out!!!!!!

i hope you like my song!!!!! up next i think we're going to cover drinking and driving by black flag and maybe ticks from that country faggot. have fun!!!
this thread made me think of that twisted sister video where the kid stands up in class and says I WANT TO ROCK
So yea, I got buzzed off of one beer earlier today. Haha fucking shit was darn tootin hysterical. Anyhow, for a good 20 minutes or so I was tipsy from one Stone Porter. The beer itself was quite heavy with a nice smooth finish and a hint of spicey sophistication. Nice little egg nog esque after taste to boot. The quaint pub was located in an absolutely beautiful part of Southern California, which put the first smile on this wretched face in many a moon.
We were seated at the empty table in the photo...

After a brew and a half, along with a delicious traditional meat pie, I was off to the shitter.

This is where things begin to go awry. Fawk, nothing is worse than having to see a man about a horse in a place filled with loaded bladders and a mere toilet to please them all.

I went in there with a blitzkrieg offensive, turned the locked knob two times to make sure it was secure, and gazed at the shelves for some two ply to caress my soon to be brown bottom. I then unzip my drawers quicker than Frank can chug 3 beers and I tilt my torso towards the toilet. At this precise moment a burly viking fellow barges through what I believed was a secure passage and stares at my dairy aire.

Intruder: I'm sorry.
Me: Oh don't worry about it.

At this moment I have a handful of paper ass guard in position to line the seat.

Being that I am now caught between a rock and a hard place, I crumble the paper up and begin to dry my hands with it as if I just got done doing my business prior to him walking in. I then proceed back to my table, all the while a turtle head is poking out my backside. It was awkward to say the least.

Would anyone here handle this situation differently? If so, please elaborate.
yeah I was with NAD when he left us for 10 minutes...to take a shit in the women's terlit

Or he went to take a shit in the mens, but a woman came in to see what the huffing and puffing was all about
Would anyone here handle this situation differently? If so, please elaborate.

See, here's your problem right here. You got there first, you owned that fucking bathroom for the time you were in it, and you were about to own the toilet. Instead, you gayed out because someone came barging in. Here's one of two things that could have happened. Now, you could have stared at the guy for a few seconds with a blank/angry look on your face and then proceeded to blast the seat, while still keeping eye contact. That way, you'd pretty much scar him for life. OR, you could have jump kicked the shit out of him until he knew what was up, and while he laid unconscious on the floor, shit on his chest. I can guarantee you that next time he goes to the bathroom in a public place, he'll make sure no one is in there.
Technically there were two camodes. One was a plain wall mounted urinal, the other a shitbox. If I went through with your first suggestion of dropping trough and william shatnering before him, he may have carried on with his business prison style. Your other suggestion of shitting on his chest had the possibility of being construed as a of niche market sex act. So I took the liberal road, and pulled out.