who wants to talk about danzig?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
i do.

4p > iii > ii > s/t > 5 > thrall > 777 > circle of snakes > 6:66

now i'm off to watch the new danzig dvd and i hope it's better than the last one!

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

the new dvd is perfectly okay but i need to go to sleep before watching the rest.
danzig = oh let me prance about and pretend to be a satanist and then turn around and do an aria album. rebellious.:yuk::tickled:

that puts him in the same league as
no no, I believe it goes something like this

4p > III > 4p > II > III > II > 4p > II > III > II> I >> thrall >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and who cares from there out

NEW danzig dvd??? w t f is that

edit: ok.. scoped it out on amazon.com, looks more worthless than the last one. :erk:
well back in the days ... and with my attention span of a fly memory ... I just remember having "I" drilled into my head daily ... it was something that we always played ... then the rest just bored me.
what the.............!, that SNES doesn't make any snesssssssssss

it's more sleek and aerodynamic than mine, fo' sho'
That would actually be a Super Famicom (the Japanese SNES).

I discovered that you can play Super Famicon games on a SNES... all you have to do is clip off these little pieces of plastic near the connector!
yes, but all that Super Famicoms I've seen have been labeled as such, and this saying Super Nintendo makes it an evil hybrid of japanese technology and US witicisms

like a giant robot that fires cheeseburgers from it's laughably tiny robot penis
Chromatose said:
yes, but all that Super Famicoms I've seen have been labeled as such, and this saying Super Nintendo makes it an evil hybrid of japanese technology and US witicisms

like a giant robot that fires cheeseburgers from it's laughably tiny robot penis

Exactly what I thought! It has the SNES logo AND the SFC logo... IT'S FUCKING WITCHERY.
Chromatose said:
like a giant robot that fires cheeseburgers from it's laughably tiny robot penis

my guess is it's a euronig or some other foreign country. damn ferrinerz.

edit: i so god damn was right! first thingy on google images for "european snes"


think i'll celebrate by eating a burrito for lunch.