Who will I see at DragonCon this weekend?


Feb 28, 2008
Columbus GA
I will be there only for 2 days just to see the Mystery Science Theater 3000,Rifftrax, Cinematic Titanic panels.

what about you guys and gals?
Me. No idea what I'm going to do while there. But I will be there! Probably listening to a lot of music.

Going to go up in a few and get badges and listen to Emerald Rose and Pandora Celtica.
Line to pick up badges for re-registration is ludicrous. Next year, maybe not preregister and just skip the lines and pay day-of. DragonCon folks really don't care.
I was actually thinking of going down and checking it out. Yeah, I heard elsewhere that the lines to get in were stupid long, so maybe not. I haven't been to one since it was at the Omni....

The other thing is that I have no place to stay, and realistically, having to drive back down the following weekend for PP makes it sort of a stupid plan.
I will be there only for 2 days just to see the Mystery Science Theater 3000,Rifftrax, Cinematic Titanic panels.

what about you guys and gals?

^^^one of the main reasons I'm going as well. The cast of MST3K and subsequent shows RAWK!!! :headbang:

I'll be there starting around 1PM today if I can leave work early (and all day each day thereafter). And yeah, I went down for pre-registration yesterday evening hoping to 'beat the crowd'. The line outside the Sheraton was wrapped around three sides of the city block! :zombie: Hell to the No! I figure I'll go back mid-afternoon today and take my chances. hopefully most folks arriving into town will be checking into their hotels at that time.

anyway, for anyone who's going - text me and we'll try to hook up while there.

I saw Brazen Angel last night. The crowd was about 50-60 people. Which was only a little less than the previous band (a band I've come to enjoy).


I'll be at a mix of things this week I guess. Lots of music, some apocalypse, some steampunk, and whatnot. MST3k stuff could be fun...
Sorry I didn't see this thread before I left for D*C....

Me. No idea what I'm going to do while there. But I will be there! Probably listening to a lot of music.

Going to go up in a few and get badges and listen to Emerald Rose and Pandora Celtica.

Both are excellent, too!

Line to pick up badges for re-registration is ludicrous. Next year, maybe not preregister and just skip the lines and pay day-of. DragonCon folks really don't care.

Actually it was a (pretty monumental) error in judgement on the part of the convention chairman, which he took responsibility for at the staff "Dead dog" party after the con on Monday night. The long delays were probably due to not using Ticketmaster this year.

I saw Brazen Angel last night. The crowd was about 50-60 people. Which was only a little less than the previous band (a band I've come to enjoy).

That must be Extraordinary Contraptions, who performed a great set on "my" concourse stage this year, too.

50-60 people isn't too bad for Thursday night, either. I remember one year when I helped arrange a Celtic "Evening with" show, with a few bands including Emerald Rose that drew around 300, but I think that's been the high-water mark for Thursday night pre-shows at D*C.

There were a number of great shows this past weekend, and alas, some I just couldn't get to.
Yah Paul, but there's a bitter feeling in a lot of people's mouthes. I know they figure that losing 20k attendees due to it is no big deal (especially since the attendance this year was supposedly insanely high), but still. If you pre-ordered, unless you got in line super early, you were waiting at 2-4 hours, and people definitely were missing things they wanted to see.

I'm glad that I went on Thursday. Ended up attending a bunch of paranormal panels, and the screening of the fan-made movie Browncoats: Redemption which was excellent!

I don't recall how it works with Ticketmaster, but would you get your badge ahead of time? I think they should try to ship the badges, or provide that option (with purchasing paying for it to be done via insured mail). Maybe they think it costs too much. But there must be a way that they can double or triple the registration booths. Oh well, hopefully things improve next year. Though, I haven't yet bought my pass for next year.

And yes, Extraordinary Contraptions it was. Good band.
Dragon*Con was awesome. Next year I'd like to actually attend instead of just walking around after hours. Some of those panels look really interesting.
What is there to do at the after-hours? Just the general DragonCon concerts? Or do you mean friends' hotel room parties?
Yeah, we were quite happy with the turnout on a Thursday night. We really had no expectations so we were just playing to have fun. There were lots of in/outs too so that was cool.

Thanks Cheiron for sticking around on Thursday!!!
Yah Paul, but there's a bitter feeling in a lot of people's mouthes. I know they figure that losing 20k attendees due to it is no big deal (especially since the attendance this year was supposedly insanely high), but still. If you pre-ordered, unless you got in line super early, you were waiting at 2-4 hours, and people definitely were missing things they wanted to see.

I don't know how it is now, but in the past you couldn't buy advanced tickets unless you got a full 4 day pass.

I haven't been in two years, because the badge line for single day passes is just ridiculous. The last time we went the line was 4 hrs long, and we had people in our party just leave after about 2 hrs of waiting. Never again.

No offense to Paul or anyone else involved in the Con, as they don't make the policies. However, the practice of collecting personal information from each and every attendee is just stupid. It requires every single person to wait in line rather than 1 person picking up tickets for an entire group. Asinine.

If they don't care about losing 20K attendees, because they can't sell a simple ticket, so be it.
This year, the line was very short for day-of purchases, at least on Thursday and Friday. If you have cash it is even faster. Agreed. You shouldn't have to provide information to them. Just put out passes.

They need to go talk to the people at ComicCon, Blizzcon and other places that have huge attendee numbers but quick lines for registration.
My crew ran some good panels for the Dark Fantasy track last weekend. My personal favorites were the True Blood panels, but I don't think anyone is likely to forget the David Bowie fan-panel. I like David Bowie and thought a panel for Bowie fans would be cool, especially since he's made some horror, fantasy, and SF movies. So I asked Doc Hammer from Venture Brothers fame if he'd like to sit in, and he agreed. Hammer always draws a crowd but I thought that this panel would be so niche that the audience would be manageable. Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha! As he later told me, "when you play the Doc card, who knows what will happen?" We easily filled the 182 capacity room and had to turn away many more. The panel was a lot of fun.