Whoooo Hooo --- Potter Rocks!!!!!!


Real World's Mad Girl
I finally got the Harry Potter OST today - and it is totally fabulous.

totally amazing, Now i am listening to it on its own, i can hear why the film had such an impact on me.

WOW! i seriously recommend people to listen to this.

It may not be ' metal' but its most totally magical!
but it is real and totally 'ALIVE'


best of all - the copy i got has an extra cd with examples of the advert posters, screen savers, wallpapers and film trailers and the computer game previews -as well as the lego preview !!

What a bargain!!!

Also thanks to Raven who sent me a shed load of potter merchandise that he was given from work!! WHOOO!!!!!!!
i mgoing to need two whole extra rooms. one for 54 stuff and one for potter stuff !! YAYAYAY