Who's Better, Herman Li or Alexi?

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Feel_The_Force said:
Herman Li can still play guitar properly.

No he can't.

I don't really know why people are saying Herman can play faster because both guys play 16th notes at around 200bpm in most songs so it's hard to judge. I mean the We're Not Gonna Fall and Warheart solos are just as fast as the Through the Fire and Flames so it's hard to say.

And admittedly, both guitarists aren't perfect live so...:erk:
Well i dont like dragonforce that much and it would be cliche' to say alexi but herman just shreds for 3 minutes per song,and thats good,but it gets tired after a while.Whereas you know alexi could do the same thing but he choses not to.Alexi is a complete metal guitarist,he can shred with most of the best and his riffs are amazing,but i think herman outshreds him.So i cant really chose because alexi is more versistile but herman outshreds him.
Technique wise i'd say herman is a bit better. alexi pretty much does the same kind of shit over and over in his songs while herman just goes batshit insane and does a lot of different stuff, it only sounds the same because of the blinding speed. i like the feel of alexi's solos a bit better though because some dragonforce solos really aren't that interesting. some though kick serious ass.
akexis riffs will kick anyones ass,fuckin bodom beach terror come the fuck on fuck herman hes too repetative and you can tell where hes going in a song,whereas(i say that alot)alexi is all over the fucking place
Alexi. Yeah he uses a lot of the same techniques, but his solos flow. Herman's are pure wank. DF basically have one song with 20 something different titles. I know Alexi's betcha cant play this wasn't outstanding, but if you watch Herman's, he is a sloppy mess. Don't forget Sam, what he did, is seriously the worst thing I have ever seen. Its probably on youtube somewhere.
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