Who's getting Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas on Friday?


Hell Bent For Leather!
Feb 23, 2002
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Bwahaha! S'gonna be a great day for me! Gonna dash into town from work and get this, a new copy of Vice City, Maxin with Avril and some new guitar strings, then wait a bit and go see WHITESNAKE in the evening :D omigod, it's still sinking in how awesome all this is!

Anyone else anticipating GTA:SA? From the preview I read it sounds FUCKING KILLER, gonna blow EVERYTHING out of the water!
I swear GTA is like a cult. I played the first one many years ago and it sucked. I'll pick up Vice City one day for cheap though, just to join the crowd. :D
I'll be getting sooner than later. I need to sell a few things so I can raise the $50 for it. Looks awesome.

Avril is a fucking ugly poser.
One Inch Man said:
I played the first one many years ago and it sucked.
If you're talking about the one on PS1, then yeah. However, the PS2 GTA games are an entirely different beast.
J. said:
If you're talking about the one on PS1, then yeah. However, the PS2 GTA games are an entirely different beast.
I think the one I played was around before PS1 even existed, it was on PC. Nope, it came out in 1997, and PSX was released in 1995. Either way the game was über crappy, one of those games that just wanted to push the limits of decency while providing lackluster gameplay.

Yeah, I'll get one of the PS2 versions someday, everyone says they are lightyears better. Well, except Erik. :p
Thanatopsis123 said:
How are you getting it on Friday? Gamestop says it's being released on the 25th, as does IGN. I saw an official ad for it not too long ago that said the 26th.
Bugger, magazine said it was 22nd. Maybe they put it back? Piss on my fire why don't you? :p

GTA1 was well fucking cool. No fancy shit, just good plain simple fun. The new ones still rule though. Nice to see a granny right up close in your sniper sights before you blow her fucking head off :heh:

And I think Avril's fit anyway :p
You know, most stores get the actual item in before it's released. They're just not allowed to put it on shelves... but if you ask nicely, most of the time they'll sell you a copy.
yeh it sounds pretty good. i read the synopsis, and its supposed to take place in a town in LA. funny thing is, there's already a san andreas, ca. its a small hick town in the mountains haha. i guess they figured no one would notice?
Checked the official website for the game, no release date on there :rolleyes: bloody useless!

I'll ask the game shops nicely for a copy then :heh:
This game is going to eat up months and months and months of peoples' time. It's not just a "town," it's an entire fucking state with 3 major cities (LA, SF, Vegas). Plus they added all sorts of cool shit, like 4-way drive-by shooting, the ability to recruit & build your own crew, the fact that you have to pay attention to shit like eating & working out, tons and tons more.

That said, PS2 sucks my ass and I'll wait the 6 months to get it on X-Box. I'm WAY more stoked for Halo 2 anyway.
With Samuel L. Jackson as the main character I think I'll pick this up. I'd rather get Graduis V and Ys VI first though. I've been waiting for a new Ys game to make it to the US for TWELVE FRICKIN YEARS AND IT'S ALMOST HERE!!! :kickass:
I beat GTA: SA last night. Damn, what a HUGE game. Tons of fun missions, awesome cars, and new features. The best has got to be the rocket pack and the harrier jet, and being able to skydive.

Easily the best GTA game so far.
You finished it too? Awesome. I finished the bugger on Tuesday, I think it was. Gonna spend some time conquering the rest of the gangland turf and fully blinging up my gangsta, methinks :heh: