Who's going to the musikmesse Frankfurt?

haven't decided, gonna ask my bandmates, afaik we all could go there on the "Fachbesucher" Tag
but I am not sure, depends if I get enough work-need money :( *cough* if anybody needs anything
marketing related (logos, flyers, social media stuff) just hit me up *cough*
But for real-I would love to go there, really interested in some things! I am still waiting for a baritone
or at least 25,5" scale Ravelle Deluxe from Fernandes.
If i get a ticket for the trade vistors day i'll be there. Either on thursday or friday :)

I really want to check out some new 7 and 8 String guitars. Is there a Strictly7 booth?
I'm close to Frankfurt at the moment, I'm supposed to leave before march but if ever it's not the case I would probably go, I'm like one hour and a half ago from there.