Why am I so amazing?

You can do this

Typical day:
Ego: You're teh amazing, you're teh mazing, YOU ARE TEH AMZiNGZ0RZ
Joe: you're so right Ego, you're teh awesome!
I don't feel good these days... Not depressed, but rather low and pointless. There isn't really much to do here, I think the reason is because I keep getting left out of group activities and boredom has taken its toll

I think I can understand you a bit... not totally for sure, cause nobody can understand us so much... never.

But I'm sorry that you feel this way... well, I think there's nothing I can say that could make you feel "cheerful" or stuff, I think I have no good advice to give as always, but I really hope you to find soon a better mood and that you'll feel better, hence... smile more, to your life and why not, to us too!! (even if life is a b*tch, I know...). :)
lol depression :rofl: for the first time ever Im seriously experiencing it, it's pathetic really.