Why are American Jews so funny?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Think about it...

Elite Cinema: Woody Allen

Popcorn Cinema: Mel Brooks

TV sitcom: Seinfeld

Cable sitcom: Curb Your Enthusiasm

Saturday Night Live Cast: Adam Sandler

Science Fiction: Captain James T. Kirk

Think about it, they are all leaders in their field. EDIT: One of them is an admiral! :loco:

All I can say is I Agree.

Mel Brooks at the Indian Chief speaking Yiddish is probably the funniest thing known to man. "Dey darkuh dan us!" :lol: x23498u592034u590

Woody Allen in Annie Hall, on moving to California: "Why would I want to live in a place where the only cultural advantage is that you can make a right on red." :lol: x923853

Hey who likes Little Nicky? Adam Sandler movies are dumb fun, but that one was extremely clever at the same time. UNRULY.
and the greatest of ALL time:
Purely for SNL only, I would probably go with Chris Farley as the greatest ever cast member.

Overall though, if you include movies and standup, it's gotta be Adam Sandler. Or at least, he's been the most consistent. Hmmm, perhaps Bill Murray. I dunno. :loco:
From a purely SNL standpoint, Phil Hartman.

From a whole career w/ SNL standpoint, Steve Martin.

Dude. King. Fucking. Tut. RAWK.
Erik said:
100% of EVERYONE in showbusiness and big name media is jewish, so it makes sense that 100% of the funniest ones would be jewish also. Think about it.
So, Jewish studio heads keep funny gentiles off of TV and movies so that the title of funniest comic stays within the faith?

There's Nothing Funny About the Jewish Comedic Conspiracy, by Saul Schwartzenberg.

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One Inch Man said:
Hey who likes Little Nicky? UNRULY.

did you watch the "history of heavy metal" on the DVD special features? Kinda cool to see metal getting some props. Though they make it kind of rediculous, and of course its all jus the big names.