Why are north americans from the usa so posers?????

HEY MAN, FUCK YOU! the US has a lot of shitty music, but that doesnt mean that all the music that comes from USA is bad, Testament for one example kick so much ass. and Metallica, early that is, is the basis for most of the metal around today, Megadeth is another. Dave Mustaine is a guitar master so next time, look into the shit you say before you start downing countries!
That's the real poser!!!!
I dind't say anything 'bout the bands, even because i really like many bands from the Usa, like Nevermore, Savatage, Fates Warning, Testament, Queensryche, and many more, but U see, these bands use to go to another countries to play cuz in the usa people follow the fashion, I mean poeple there like those rap core they call new metal, that's Y i consider people from the usa so posers.
wow, what good english, dickhead. Y r you so posers? what the hell is that? why do you think everyone from US likes Numetal? I hate all Numetal. and people like you are the majority of the US population. Arrogant assholes to have to catagorize everything. so my response to you is FUCK YOU!
Originally posted by Metal is Religion
wow, what good english, dickhead. Y r you so posers? what the hell is that? why do you think everyone from US likes Numetal? I hate all Numetal. and people like you are the majority of the US population. Arrogant assholes to have to catagorize everything. so my response to you is FUCK YOU!

Lighten up man, he's not being serious.

@Thanatopsis123- Both ways of spelling are correct, If you live in England you'll obviously use Poseur (I beleive), but if you live in America people spell it ''poser''.