why do my guitars sound shitty

This should be in the rate my mix/tone section.

But anyway, good guitar sound comes with lots and lots of practice. Also, look at your 'amp'. That's going to hold you back a bit. You would probably be better off using free ampsims and impulses.

P.S.- Use dropbox. No one want's to sit and wait, and enter captcha just to listen to a clip.
well, for starters, use an amp, and a cab, and a microphone, and a nice a/d converter followed by a nice solid performance for each track. cant go wrong if you experiement with your mic placement for the best sound with that mic/room/amp/cab/eq.

dont wait your time with ampsims. its senseless. you want the real deal, then do the real deal.
my tone through the amp is quite what i want,i am recording through a line in with no amps or cabs involved kind of like what chimp spanner does.i am using red wirez impulses on the recorded tracks which make them sound a little better.what process so you guys follow?and how much compression do you guys
do on the tracks?
I can't listen to the tracks just now but will say this:

First thing, above everything else is good performances from a player with good finger-tone. Even a shitty guitar tone can sound half decent if it is played by a great player. A shit player will just have to be edited to hell and back to sound a better, which is better than nothing - I regularly have to do this unfortunately. You can't polish a turd... but you can spray it silver and varnish it. Still, good performance every time if possible - the difference is remarkable.

I don't think many people here add compression to distorted guitar tracks. Maybe a touch of EQ if it needs it, but you will find a borderline unofficial-but-maybe-now-official motto of the sneap forums is 'good sound at source'. If you're micing up a cab and amp, then having a good tone in the room is first priority and learning how to mic up a cab successfully is second.
If you are recording direct, then it's a case of tweaking and tweaking until you get the best sound possible. *There is no magic preset, it varies greatly depending on player/pick-ups/guitar etc etc.

In my (admittedly limited) experience, recording direct out from an amp is never anywhere close to how it sounds being pumped out through a cab. If you are currently direct recording it might be better to look at amp-sims instead...
i personally feel amp sims suck balls,they don't get me half the sound i need.....and i really cant afford a good cabinet for it is fucking expensive,listen to this mix...it was done without any amp or cabinets involved.

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i personally feel amp sims suck balls,they don't get me half the sound i need.....

And you ask why your sound sounds shitty? You will probably get a better sound with the overdrive/distortion on the boss and free ampsims and cabs together if you tweak enough. Guitar sounds that sounds great solo usually never work in a mix.
well part of the reason is there is no bass guitar, bass guitar is a large part of a "full sounding" guitar tone that is often overlooked
One thing I've learned from here is great sounding guitar comes from the play. Take the Narco or RoS di's and a deaf monkey could make them sound great. Take my weak right hand playing and even Andy himself would struggle.
The best thing you can do with what you have is:

Guitar>interface>TSE OD>TSE X50>lepou Lecab loaded with catharsis impulses
i own revalver mk iii.v dont get me wrong but somehow it doesn't get me that heavy chug sound i need,where exactly do you think my guitar mix suck balls?

the guitars in the mix dont have any eq and compression yet,so my question here is how do your guitars sound when freshly recorded without any eq.

if someone could just post his clip with 4/4 drums i would get an idea of where i should head.
if someone could just post his clip with 4/4 drums i would get an idea of where i should head.

No that wont help you at all. How it sounds will depend on how the other instruments and sounds are mixed. A mix is a compromise of sounds. It doesnt matter how individual instruments sounds like. Its all about how they sound together.