Why does superior drummer load up so freaking slow on my laptop?


Jun 16, 2007
Jax, Fl
It takes a good 5+ minutes to load up the standard ~350mb NY avatar kit. I have the library installed on the os drive.

It's a Sony vaio
windows 7
4gb ram
2.1 c2d

Decent specs. My desktop which is vista with half the power loads it super fat. Any ideas what's the deal here?
Thats appened to me when I was using EZDrummer, BUT only if I load the program inside an DAW (Cubase in this case). If I run the program at standalone, its load very quickly, but inside cubase it takes forever.
I tried to change the project settings (bitrate, samplerate, etc...) but no luck.
If you load Superior samples at 16 bit or at any sample rate other than the native 44.1kHz then they'll take longer to load.
