Why don't Evegrey come to Portugal?!


Jun 20, 2005
I'm shock because i really would love to see evegrey live and i see their tour schedule and they have 3 days in spain and not a single in portugal! what's the problem in coming to portugal? Almost all of the bands i like do like this, they do 3 ou 4 concerts in spain and none in Portugal... The problem is that if we portuguese want to go to spain to see a concert it's really very expensive the trip to go there... So, why don't 2 dates in spain and 1 in portugal? Why don't they do Barcelona, Madrid and Porto or Lisboa? Why do they go to Bilbao if people from Bilbao can travel easily to Madrid or Barcelona and people from Portugal are obliged to pay 70€ only to travel to Madrid....

It's really a shame to live in the west-end of Europe... :(
I reckon it has to do with venues either not wanting or being able (as in: I dunno what their costs of laying are) to book them.
yes i see... Also Pain of Salvation said that they would come here but they were here several years ago at a festival...

Daniel gilndelow came to Porto with the Flower Kings and i talked to him and he was really wanting to come with PoS but at the end nothing happened...

The guys that organized the concert for Flower Kings lost about 1000€ with the concert
because there was about 200 people at the venue to see the band...
yeah its the same with Scotland.....and the sad thing is whenever any bands do come to Scotland they already get a good crowd and quite occasionally a better crowd in Scotland than in England, but yet 95% of bands play 3 dates in England and then nothing in Scotland :rolleyes:
yeah i think you suffer from the same desease as portugal... It's 2 countrys that are small and very periferical and often confused with one big country such as Spain (in the case of portugal) or England (in case of Scotland)...

But here as usual all metal concerts really gather an enormous crowd so i think that EG wouldn't regret coming here!
If no one in portugal wants to book EG they cant just show up and play... seen that discussion many times in other forums... but its very sad when people really wants to see EG and cant. ill hope they will come to norway or somewhere near Gothenburg... i travelled six hours to helsingborg to see them in april...:kickass: But it was worth it!
yeah, you could make a scandinavian of you:) well, i really envy you of your climate... its freezing here in the winter...
maybe you have the same problems as canarian islands.It is no organisation over here,In the last CANARIAS METALZONE festival Evergrey did not get any money and hade to pay their flight tickets back to Sweden.
That happened to 3 other bands to.
Sr Francisco Javier Rivas who had to pay everybody kept all the money and now he is on the list of shit all over the world.
To make concerts needs serius people,money and a lot of work for months.
But I hope Evergrey could go to Portugal soon because you have to see them live.They are the BEST!!!

Morrow said:
I'm shock because i really would love to see evegrey live and i see their tour schedule and they have 3 days in spain and not a single in portugal! what's the problem in coming to portugal? Almost all of the bands i like do like this, they do 3 ou 4 concerts in spain and none in Portugal... The problem is that if we portuguese want to go to spain to see a concert it's really very expensive the trip to go there... So, why don't 2 dates in spain and 1 in portugal? Why don't they do Barcelona, Madrid and Porto or Lisboa? Why do they go to Bilbao if people from Bilbao can travel easily to Madrid or Barcelona and people from Portugal are obliged to pay 70€ only to travel to Madrid....

It's really a shame to live in the west-end of Europe... :(
kuksug: i really prefer your weather :D I don't like the temperature above 25º :P last year i was living in belgium an went to stockholm with -2º and i liked it, also i love the snow and all the frosted environment :D

and also all my favorite bands are from the great SVERIGE!!! :D
Morrow said:
kuksug: i really prefer your weather :D I don't like the temperature above 25º :P last year i was living in belgium an went to stockholm with -2º and i liked it, also i love the snow and all the frosted environment :D
Come a little more north, and you'll have our -40 ºC winters - let's see how you like that :lol:
:D I really wish to experiment more cold! and i really wished to live in a place where i could snowboard all year, like the alps or northern scandinavia. -40ºC i believe it's a lot cold but as i usualy say, when in portugal you have 35 or 40º in summer you can take off all of your clothes and still be sweating all day long. But in cold weather you can always put more clothes on :D

I really wish to experience some great cold weather :D
and i really wished to live in a place where i could snowboard all year(...)or northern scandinavia.
You will find that very difficult, as our summers are +30 ºC :lol:
I really wish to experience some great cold weather :D
When you can't open your eyes because your eyelids have frozen together and your piss freezes mid-air, and your jacket is like a wooden carving, I think you'll find you'd disagree :Puke: :lol: