Why I hate metallica!

Iron Zombius

Sep 6, 2007
This is why I hate metallica. They are money grabbing tossers who dont give a flying fuck about the fans, just the bottom line.

Here is an article from 2007 stating that Metallica are sueing red octaine and Harmonics for using "One" in Guitar Hero III


yet not 12 months later, they realise the value of the medium and concent to Guitar Hero Metallica....


If I was the makers id be telling them to get fucked and find someone else to use as a flagship band for the game.
I was having a discussion about the operations of Metallica with a friend yesterday, so this is quite topical. Most people in the metal scene seem to fail to understand that the band members of Metallica would have less to do with the management of the Metallica brand than any other band in the genre. They would be more comparable to say The Rolling Stones, KISS, Pink Floyd, U2, etc, than say Megadeth, Machine Head, Testament, or any other metal band. They are a massive institution, and the decisions made about the rights to their songs in video games, their merch, the whole recent review fiasco, and most other things, would come down to management decisions and behaviours, nothing to do with the actual band.
To say that the band don't care about the fans is ridiculous. I saw them this time last year, and saw James almost reduced to tears when the crowd cheered them back on stage for what I found out later was an impromtou (sp?) second encore, where he expressed to the crowd his upmost respect and love for his fans. This was a man speaking from his heart, and I was almost reduced to tears seeing it, and feeling it. This was one special part of one of the best gigs of my life. The setlist they played was also a testament to the fact that they are still playing amazing live sets, for the fans. The fact that they have gotten themselves back into top shape musically to be able to perform some of their most demanding material, shows their commitment to their fans.

...and I agreed with Lars about the whole Napster issue...

Rant over.
to play Devil's Advocate for a moment, I actually agree with Blitzy over the whole management issue.

for the record company and their management, Metallica is a huge cash cow and they bring millions in for merchandising alone.
that is why they were allowed so much bullshit in regards to the whole St. Anger recording debacle (see the doco Some Kind of Monster), so they are incredibly protective of their business and the money that the band bring in.

the issue with GH3 is the fact that they used a cover band rather than use an original recording and Metallica's management (who are always cited as Metalllica I think because the name is incorporated -not sure on that one) wanting the royalities from the use of the whole song rather than the usual the the crumbs of performance and cover fees that Red Octane would pay.

also note that lots of bands have tried to sue Red OctaneActivision and Harmonix Music Systems (and now Neversoft who took over from Harmonix, who went on to make Rock Band) over fair use and cover fees for their material but since Metallica (or, more correctly, their management) are well known for suing people over copyright, it was their name that got flashed about the most in the media.

now, I really don't care for the whole politics of the metal/music scene or how it has become cool to bash Metallica but I also don't care for the attitude of Lars (as well as other vocal anti-piracy musicians).
I can basically separate myself from the political/business and music sides of the whole debate.

I will also remember fondly the classic albums that Metallica gave us and be thankful that I still have my pirated MP3s of them on my comp. :p
the issue with GH3 is the fact that they used a cover band rather than use an original recording and Metallica's management (who are always cited as Metalllica I think because the name is incorporated -not sure on that one) wanting the royalities from the use of the whole song rather than the usual the the crumbs of performance and cover fees that Red Octane would pay.

No they didnt, they used a master copy of the song, including the gun fire/battle scene from the start of the track. Someone somewhere has given permission for that to be done. Guitar hero I and II were cover bands. III is all originals, including iron maiden and the sex pistols. In fact they had to redo the master track for Anarchy in the UK because it had gone missing (see unlockable material in the game)

2007 sounds to me as if a line in the sand has been drawn. If that is the case, at what point is it ok for that line to disappear or be blurred when the prospects of more money are taken into account. It smells of hypocrisy and I dont like it. Not asking anyone to agree with me, just putting my reasons out there.

I retract the "they dont give a flying fuck about there fans" but sure as hell someone in there management doesnt
I thought that their issue with Napster was that St Anger leaked before it hit the shelves...and it sucked
No they didnt, they used a master copy of the song, including the gun fire/battle scene from the start of the track. Someone somewhere has given permission for that to be done. Guitar hero I and II were cover bands. III is all originals, including iron maiden and the sex pistols. In fact they had to redo the master track for Anarchy in the UK because it had gone missing (see unlockable material in the game)

I've only had a brief go at GH3 and was too busy sucking at it to notice whether or not it was originals.

I read that Metallica had jumped on the band wagon that a few other bands had for GH1 and 2 where Red Octane almost got reamed over copyright issues because of their use of cover bands for songs but appears that I am mistaken.

no matter.

but did Metallica/their management also try to sue Harmonix over Rock Band or is that merely a rumour?
no reports that I can find regarding them currently sueing rockband, because they already have! Here is something I didnt realise. Rockband and Guitar hero are both harmonic releases. That being the case they are trying to reach as many people as possible across as many platforms as possible. makes perfect sence

why make millions when we can make.... (dramatic organ sound).... BILLIONS

wonder if the reason they are so pissed of is because of the custom tracking facility in GHII
They should sue the producer and the record company for letting them release that embarrassing pile o' shite.
no reports that I can find regarding them currently sueing rockband, because they already have! Here is something I didnt realise. Rockband and Guitar hero are both harmonic releases. That being the case they are trying to reach as many people as possible across as many platforms as possible. makes perfect sence

Harmonix left Red Octane and then went onto make Rock Band, which is why the wireless GH2 guitar works on RB (though that is also a pending lawsuit from Activision who own Red Octane and all the rights to the GH series).
Harmonix left Red Octane and then went onto make Rock Band, which is why the wireless GH2 guitar works on RB (though that is also a pending lawsuit from Activision who own Red Octane and all the rights to the GH series).
hmmmm.....whats the best way to piss of the EX.......to fuck the person they hate the most. :headbang:
I thought that their issue with Napster was that St Anger leaked before it hit the shelves...and it sucked

The Napster issue was waaaay before St Anger. They did a song for one of the Mission: Impossible movies that was only going to be available as a single but it got leaked, which means that instead of buying the single, everyone was downloading it for free.
The Napster issue was waaaay before St Anger. They did a song for one of the Mission: Impossible movies that was only going to be available as a single but it got leaked, which means that instead of buying the single, everyone was downloading it for free.

and they they stopped and thought for a second.....

if they are downloading this song, maybe they are downloading other songs that we have done.