Why I hate windows....


Proud Brisbane Metaller
Jul 28, 2001
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It's simple really, for some reason XP collapses in on itself every 6 months, I try and repair, it never fucking works and I end up reinstalling for the next week after I format the fucking thing, I have been thinking about moving onto Vista *shudder* just to see if it is more stable, I mean fuck what am I gonna lose really

don't go for Vista!
at least not until the 1st service pack is up and running.

if you want a windows interface program, I'd recommend Unbutu, which is a Linux shell but carries a lot of support.
Southy, a guy on another board has this to say about Vista.

"If you play a windows Vista disk backwards, you can hear Satanic messages. Play it forward, and it installs Vista."
I was gonna suggest Ubuntu as well (I've heard it's good), but couldn't remember the name of it.
I run Vista. I've had no problems with it at all. I also had no problems with XP either, so horses for courses, I guess. Also, service pack 1 for Vista has been out for it for a few months now. But if you want to move away from Windows, Ubuntu would be a good way to go about it.

You won't be able to just double click and install things, but if all you're doing is just web surfing, emailing and document writing then it should see you good.
Southy, a guy on another board has this to say about Vista.

"If you play a windows Vista disk backwards, you can hear Satanic messages. Play it forward, and it installs Vista."

that joke has been going around the IT scene since Windows ME.

as long as AOL, Mircosoft and all those companies keep putting out shite stuff, the joke will still be funny. :lol::lol:
Well what am I doing fucking wrong if I always have probs?? And would the Linux thing let me still play games as well? I play a few games when my life is boring enough
Well what am I doing fucking wrong if I always have probs?? And would the Linux thing let me still play games as well? I play a few games when my life is boring enough

actually a lot of games are good on Linux -unless they are ones released through Mircosoft.
but all the old ones still are good but best check boxes and such.

and I'll also look at what firewalls and antivirus/spyware/malware programs that you have.
as it may be due to something getting into your computer or even the hardware itself (like a bad hard drive) more than a software fault.

if you can afford or have an IT friend, best to get everything checked out and also ran scans on your back ups in case you accidentally copied over a corrupted or infected file -had that fuck me a up a few times in the past.
Get a Mac Mini and run Windows on it when you need to (via Bootcamp of Parallels).

I tried Ubuntu a couple of times but it always ended up shitting me. I still run a windows pc when I want to play games, but my macbook get 99% of use now.
Mark's vice is pretty good too. I've never used a Mac for any length of time, but it's what everyone seems to be moving to now-a-days. Could be pricey though, depending on how you look at things.
An XP install can last a few years with good maintenance. I just reformatted a week or so ago after having avoided it for about a year and a half. It was doing all right aside from a few minor bugs, but I do a lot of installing/uninstalling/moving-around and such, so I generally reformat once or twice a year. It is kind of a nice feeling to have a nice, shiny, new, clean, fast install of an OS, though.
It's worth "ghosting" the drive in XP so when anything goes wrong, just put in your "restore" disk and you have everything back to where you last backed it up - games, apps, data - everything.


There's other products out there that do the same thing, so it pays to do a bit of research on it

And I'd recommend AGAINST Vista right now. Give it a year maybe, or wait 'til Windows 7 comes out. Vista is the new Windows ME - worked for some people but for most it was a total abortion.
I've run a stable XP machine for about 2- 2.5 years I think. Hardly any problems, and it gets a whupping.. Considering everyone bags it, I've been lucky.

Southy, what exactly goes wrong with it??

Yeah, everyone loves Macs. But look at the price... Bugger that, I'll spend the same amount and get a beefier non-mac machine which doesn't look as sexy.
My XP actually just fucked it self a couple of days ago. So I installed Kubuntu which is an offshoot version of Ubuntu.

Its alright, fiddly as all hell though. Basically need to know what your doing, which I dont really. It sucks for drivers for various things as most companies dont make linux drivers. Example is my webcam. The camera part works but for some reason it doesnt detect the built in mic.

In other areas its good though. If your going to be using it for general internet, email its good. Installs and runs most things out of the box like msn messenger, firefox. And has built in Office programs and media players. Although you have to install a codec to get it to play mp3s and windows media files.

Its actually very fast, a lot faster than my install of XP ever was.

There are programs though that let you run Windows apps like WINE and Cedega.
Using Cedega i've been able to play Warcraft and the GTA games.

Some games like the Unreal Tournament series and Doom series actually have installers made so you can play them natively in Linux.

But yeah so far my Linux experience has been alright. It does some things perfectly and other things it leaves me longing for Windows.

If you're keen on trying it, i'd recommend dual booting it with windows, or even just running it from the live CD.
Well last time it just kept error and so on till it ate shit, same time before, never had these probs on old PC.

And tonight, turned it on, up come the blue screen of death a few mins into it, and then the HDD went missing for fucks sake. then turned it off for half an hour, turn the PC back on, and it is working, I am typing this on the wife's laptop, because I thought my HDD ate shit cause it had never happened to me before.

So is XP just not good for this sys and I should move on to Vista, or maybe back to good ole reliable 95, never had a problem there
It's been used for decades like that.

Think aborted space missions rather than children.

edit...look back a few posts.
Well last time it just kept error and so on till it ate shit, same time before, never had these probs on old PC.

And tonight, turned it on, up come the blue screen of death a few mins into it, and then the HDD went missing for fucks sake. then turned it off for half an hour, turn the PC back on, and it is working, I am typing this on the wife's laptop, because I thought my HDD ate shit cause it had never happened to me before.

So is XP just not good for this sys and I should move on to Vista, or maybe back to good ole reliable 95, never had a problem there

sounds like it may actually be a BIOS or ram issue because I had a similar problem with my old Dell last year.

how old is your computer and what type, do you know?

maybe either time to repair or replace everything. :(