Why I like this board so much..


Mar 7, 2003
Antwerpen - Belgium
I must say.. There are not many fan-communities out there that are so open towards other music than the one 'their' band is playing.. People here can just point others to bands they love without getting all sort of crap thrown in their face.
Just felt the need to say that as I really hate the narrowmindedness in the metal scene.. I hope this board can stay that way.. :cool:
Same here, I think most people here voice their opinions on music, bands, or whatever in a respectful way. There are the occasional bad apples but what board doesn't have those :D

Testament fans and most real Metal fans that I know or even here on this board have a wide range of influences and can appreciate other styles of music.

That really says something (good) about us as metal fans on this board, we rule !:headbang:
Well, respect for what's different than what you are\like is the base of open-mindedness. And I'd say that the metal community is generally more open for different tastes than other communities (musical or else). Of course, it is still dominated by blind beings, who claim they have the right to judge everyone and everything by their own narrow-minded standards, but this domination isn't as overwhelming as elsewhere, I believe. On the other hand, I behold the so called metal community mainly from the perspective of this board, which is, as you said, quite unique... And I'm glad that most people here can appreciate music that comes from heart, that's real and true- whether it's metal, jazz, classical or whatever- even if that's not really their cup of tea.
If "this board" is limited to the Testament section, I'd say you're right. Other boards on UM however... :ill:
Okay, we have to draw the line somewhere... God help us, NO GLAM METAL BAND posts here, please! No offense of course. That goes for the few closeted glam metal lovers on this board! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE :lol:!

I'm sorry to say that I once sat through a Stryper set, but I was there to see Akira Takasaki shred.
Pyrus said:
:tickled: I take out my sexual frustration by posting completely comprehensible rants on message boards, thank you very much.

High schoolers, TL? I think you're being a little overly complimentary to some of our denizens...right, Dirt? :D

Are you implying elementary schooler? He IS considerably younger than myself ;)! JUST KIDDING - Dirt rules!!!
I like this board cause its mostly comprised of "real people", and not high schoolers who take out their sexual frustrations by posting total nonsence on internet message boards

Actually, I find that my posts become more relevant and on topic when I am sexually frustrated. Otherwise, I squander my talents and read Victorian literature instead...