The Nightmare Has Begun..
Well it's about time I put something a bit more personal in this forum,
I was just reading a little article about how music effects the brain, of those making it, and those listening to it, and something registered in me about how that is a part of my life.

Music is energy, music, comes from a pure place within a person,
regardless of what it's intent is, it's real and it's focused, and it's focused much of the time from several individuals at one time, that play it together. A quote from the article I read said this…

"Music activates the same parts of the brain and causes the same neurochemical cocktail as a lot of other pleasurable activities like orgasms and or eating chocolate....Serotonin and dopamine are both involved." (writes Levitin)

Which means that music is similarly addictive and may help to explain why musicians are susceptible to drug, alcohol and or sex additions. Since they can't be playing music 24/7 they find other substitutes.

Bottom line is, music makes me feel good when I listen to it, makes me feel great when I play it, and puts a big smile on my face whenever it's done really well by those that are brilliant at their craft.

Music is a power that drives me to do what I do! Music is a gift of communication, energy, intent, and focus from those that make it
and the higher power that we are all connected by. Music is made from passion and is for those that are passionate or wish to feel something different from their routine. Music can transform your mood instantaneously, and those that are brilliant at it can bring an audience to many places and many moods.

Why I love progressive metal is because it's a positive but aggressive force of energy, I love the melodies, the interplay of technical ability and musicality and positivity in this aggressive form of music. It's thought provoking, uplifting, and magical in it's effects (as all music is when done right).

This is why I've always focused my efforts and label on positive music, because I know how powerful music is, and why would I want to pollute the world with negative thoughts and or hateful intent of some of the metal forms that are out there? It makes no sense to me!

I love music, and how it can be a great thing for our world and all people in it, why not keep that pure of heart and positive food for our brain, and our spirit? That is my thinking!

Just thought I would put that out there!
all my best,
Lance King
Excellent prospective into music and also into the force that drives you. You can also add Music keeps you young, maybe not in body, but in mind and spirit, and it may have a healing effect on the body.
Totally agree with you on this John, music not only effects our psyche but also our bodies, many people believe, the music you create, play or listen too, will effect you on a DNA level. I've had this conversation before with new agers, shamanic, and more magical type folks, and I must agree....
God has given us a wonderful gift to share and enjoy, but again, I think it's important to be listening to the music that makes you feel good, not the music that makes you feel angry or gloomy, or any other feeling that you may consider negative...because it will have longer lasting effects on many levels than just the moment your listening in my opinion.
Thanks for posting that.
I agree with everything you said.

It's funny, my whole life whenever people ask me why I have never experimented with drugs, my answer has always been, "Music is my drug"

It is my "high"
It is something I look forward to (IE - getting a new disc, seeing a band live, writing a bass riff, etc).
It lifts me up, morning, noon, and night.