Why is everybody impressed by this?

Oct 22, 2002
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So here's this really old video of me playing guitar (15 at the time, 19 now). Strange thing is whenever I show it to somebody they get impressed by this. Yet I show some more laborate things (that are actually in key) and they don't seem to be impressed as much as they are by this.

So why would somebody find this amazingly impressive when it's just some random shred that's not even in key!? And even musicians have told me this!

Last sweep part is the one people like, I've shown people better sweeps and yet, like I said, they like these more. So answer me, why now?
I try to play guitar . . . . but I get caught up with to much other stuff. Wings of a Dream, that was ten trillion times better then what i could ever hope to do at that age.
Muhaha! ten trillion i love that word! no seriouslt thats pretty good. Look like he get impressed! Do you friend that get impressed have ever played guitar and ''sux'' at it? I KNOW the peep who get impressed are guy that just dont play guitar so can't evaluate youre technique and etc... :D
I try to play guitar . . . . but I get caught up with to much other stuff. Wings of a Dream, that was ten trillion times better then what i could ever hope to do at that age.

Hehe I used to practiced +4 hours everyday. More on weekends. Figure it out.

BloodyScalpel said:
I really hope you've worked on your bends

Oh yess yess, Bends are our of tuuuune on there.

Taliesin said:
I think it's shit :p Honstely ^^

Really? thanks! man that's what I was looking for, wait until I get another comment like this and then we can close the thread.
3z3k13l said:
Impressiv cuz that is... That look impressive at least... But not much to say OMg WInG 0f Dr3am y0ur3 my l0rd?!?!!!!11!!1 :D Do you have the sweep picking part tab by the way ^^

Keep shredding ;)

Just random sweeps unsing one finger bars. Something like this. Of course you gotta use that "rolling finger" technique so you get a clean sound.

----5---- ----6----
----5---- ----6----
----5---- ----6----
----5---- ----6----
----5---- ----6----
----5---- ----6----
3z3k13l said:
Muhaha! ten trillion i love that word! no seriouslt thats pretty good. Look like he get impressed! Do you friend that get impressed have ever played guitar and ''sux'' at it? I KNOW the peep who get impressed are guy that just dont play guitar so can't evaluate youre technique and etc... :D


hehe no really, I had a pretty good musician tell me too that he was impressed by it.