Why is State of U4EA disliked so much?


Jul 15, 2002
In between
:Smokin: JUST asking, but why is it the general concensus is State Of U4EA sux? Who Cares Wins, Be All, End All, Finale...... they fuckin CRUSH! Even Charlie has said they didn't get to do what they liked production wise in the amount of time they had. I also read somewhere that it went gold shortly after it's release........don't quote me on that, I'm not 100% sure. It sounds killer to me for the most part so I figured I'd ask.
I personally love the album but think it's not one of their best. I agree with you about the songs you mention - they do crush, but some like Out of Sight...., Make Me Laugh, etc are a bit forgettable, especially when it was a follow up to ATL which so many regard as their best.

I just think some ppl felt let down with these songs coming out after the quality of Among, Caught, Law, Indians, NFL etc. Also the fact that U4EAs biggest hit was a cover may've put some off, not sure?

Anyway, great album (I think its their biggest seller, apart from I'm the Man ep), but low on the list of Thrax records. They just have so much other material which is better listening, esp. WCFYA.

This is just my humble opinion, anyways....
Hell, I'm listening to it as I type this......I just don't understand the nay-sayers. 90% of the tunes are KILLER and CRUSH but there are 1-3 tunes I'd skip on the CD player but for the most part I love this album. Sure some of the titles are kinda odd, but the music still MOSHES and makes ya headbang! Sorry if I offended anyone, I just didn't understand why this album wasn't cared for too much.
SOE is prolly my least favorite Thrax album but that in no way means I hate it or anything. I DO hate Antisocial though, I never understood why that song out of all the others on SOE was picked to be the big single.
cos it was a cover and covers always do weel...um generally :)personally now its dark is my fave off that album, total blue velvet classic !!!!
I'm not sure....I love it. That CD got me through college. :worship: All of the songs on it are awesome. Even "13" is excellent, and I don't like instrumentals. I think it may be the fact that Anthrax is wearing shorts. At the time, everyone was wearing black T-shirts and jeans. It was too much of a departure for your average metal-head back in the late 80's. I'm not sure. But who cares anyway. ANTHRAX RULES
I think it may be the fact that Anthrax is wearing shorts. At the time, everyone was wearing black T-shirts and jeans. It was too much of a departure for your average metal-head back in the late 80's.

dude, that is exactly why i loved thrax
they didnt look like some stupid cookie cutter metal head from the 80's
Originally posted by redeyes
dude, that is exactly why i loved thrax
they didnt look like some stupid cookie cutter metal head from the 80's

yes, i too thought that was really cool. but i hope u really loved them for the music because clothes should not matter that much.