Why it's more beneficial for a Brit to follow the Queen's lead and live off handouts


The Post Master
Jul 3, 2003
Manchester, England, UK
There is an over abundance of students in the UK. "Despite the growth in the economy, the number of high level graduate jobs has not grown to keep pace with the increased supply." http://www.employment-studies.co.uk...ary.php?id=374b Because the majority of youngsters in the UK want to make something of their lives and do high skilled jobs, the UK has to import low skilled workers(non degree level) such as nurses, shop assistants, police and bus drivers. GMPTE have recently recruited 30,000 bus drivers from Poland and GMP have recruited a lot of foreigners.

For an economy to function you need a spread of skilled and non-skilled workers as well as a few people who don't work at all. The people who don't work at all are the ones who provide a lot of the skilled work by committing(sp) crime, benefit issues, employment issues e.t.c.

It also seems that British people are incapable of doing anything other than high skilled jobs with the litigation culture which has even spread into the high skilled jobs. How can a country possibly function when every business is suing each other. Foreigners are the only people who are keeping Britains economy alive.