Why praise God? Question to the Band


Noble Savage
Jul 15, 2004
Why praise God?

In another thread I read that the characters in Mabool represented the three monotheist religions, and the goal was to make a peaceful combination of them.

I'd like to know what positive consequences you believe this religions have if one chooses to follow their path. I figure you only take certain aspects of each of them, right? So my question is: in general, how believing in God makes the individual better, and in the particular case of each of those religions, what are the positive traits of them?

I'll add my thoughts later!
Hey my friend... Nice to meet you :Spin:

I'd say that the main idea in the story is the cooporation between the 3 religions.

I myself am an atheist my friend, but I see in the concept story of Mabool many of the values that I believe in as a person. The main message in the story is not to believe or not to believe in god. The flood is a symbol of what might happen if things will get out of hand because of hatered that comes for nothing, and I believe that it is possible that mankind can experience some kind of a disaster if a 3rd world war will occur, for example.

Anyhow, I think that you can learn some things from the story even if you are not a religious person, no one is making you believe in something if you do not wish to. "It's all a matter of choice"... :headbang:
Hi! Yes I know that no one is forcing me to believe in anything... But as you said, there are values there, and I'd like to know how they are inspired by those religions... because if the story is a cooperation between the 3 religions some of their ideas must be reflected in those vaules I guess. I'm interested in which ideas from each religion the band believe are positive and how they can be combined...
Believing in God doesnt have to be in the path of religion.
Once you are a man of friendship, giving, loving, sharing, helping, accepting and more, you are a believer of God and a follower of his ways.
Welcome in Emalaith:wave: . Sorry for cutting in ;) . Even though i'm not a member of the band, by reading your posts one title OL song flashed my mind and soul..."find yourself, discover God". God bless you OL brothers!!! :headbang: :kickass:
Ko_B said:
Indeed that's not the path of religion...

Well,I don't think I agree with you (if one has already found his path by being as you say, why would he need a God? Having a God prevents the individual from creating his own values, from being an "artist" regarding his life, in the sense that what he takes is already set, he just follows the given rules and doesn't need the strenght to create their own), but you are talking about a different issue, which could lead to an interesting discussion of course... but I meant another thing: even though religion is not the only way, you do talk about them in this record, so I'm curious about the specific ideas about those religions in particular, you know? Thanks for your time!
First Of All , I Want To Make Clear My Position ,so That I Won't Be Misunderstand.
I Am An Orphaned Land Fan And Have Nothing Against Those Who Ask The Band About Mabool.
I Can't Understand Why, When Someone Does His First Palpable Steps , Then Some People Judge Him And Allegedly Interest About His Work And Show To Him Their Negative Opinions With Trap - Questions.....!!!!
Orphaned Land Represent All People , All Nations , All Religions And All Beliefs...
I think that religion is a way to be good person. But not one way. There may be a God or not be. Who can prove it? But I'm believing God. Because when I believe God, I'm going to be good person. God is one reason to be good person for me.

With or without religion, with or without God, everyone can be good person. To be good person is important than to be believe God... I think!

Allah says that in Quran: Evil is a illness. When your heart infected by that illness, then it covers all of your heart. And your heart going to be black...

And I love you all without separating by religion, nationality or culture... I love you all like that I love God...
religion is a way to be a good person?
i really can't agree with you
it depends on the person, if you are a good and reasonable person you will be like that no matter if yo are an atheist, jew, chrisitian buddhist or whatever..
IMO (and millions of other poeple) religion is the main cause of wars and evil in this world...
the most powerful example is the Islam these days (i understand that some of you are muslims, and i have no problem with it, and what i'm about to say is nothing personl)..
especially the Islamic terror, millions of muslims do believe in the way of terror and they are spreading war, hate and death almost in every place they live in, from Israel to Chechnya and from France to USA... and you all know what they are doing, and how the Islamic Sheikhs are preaching to hate and to fight the "Infidels", which means for them everybody besides muslims.
most causes of war during the history was religion, like in 95% percent of all wars.
most religious people from all religions think that their way of living is the only true way, and everybody else should convert to their religion or else they will go to hell no matter what.

but anyway, all those religion conversation are useless...
so lets listen to some Orphaned Land instead of "grinding water"(a saying in hebrew). :)
It depends on person, of course, I didn't say opposite thing...

There is no religion of terror. There is no Islamic terror. Islam not accept the terror or war like other religions. And you cannot speak under the name of millions of muslims. (As OL says) It can drive you into deeds of wrong.

And regarding Israel, powerfull example, there was a war in Israel & Palestin, and generally, wars has two sides to conflict. No one side...

And last thing: Wars are political things. I don't think that there is a sentence like "war is good to spread your religion. Kill the people who besides your religion" in the books of religions...
i know that the Islam is not a religion of terror..
i know that even the world Islam comes from the Salam which means peace ofcourse, and that the religion itself is against all those kind of act.
but you see what have become of it now, when even sheikhs are preaching for terror..
btw, i just took the Islam as an example, i dont hate it more thanv other eligions, so as i said, nothing personal... (i hate them all the same :p)
there are many religious people from all religions who are wonderful people.
Don't judge religion by what you see, judge it by what it SUPPOSE to represent, since religion is so supreme and divine, it was taken as a prisoner of politicians who use and distruct it's name and purposes, politicians used it for their benefits and religion got a bad reputation, just read the basic moral principles of religion - how the hell those princples can cause wars? I dont think we can blame religion but definitly we can blame humans for abusing it wrongly for their needs.

Still, everybody defines God in his way, lets be a good human beings, thats above all :)

I love you all.
No one is going to answer my question? :(

But if you also want to discuss whether religions's moral principles are good or not, OK. I'll start talking about Christianity, as it is the one I know better, but some of the things also apply to the others. I really can't see how an ideology that introduces the feelings of guilt, sin, fear in the human being can be positive. Christ saved Humanity... from what?? They weren't condemned, to begin with. A religion that works based on making people feel terrified and worried about their sacrilegous acts (such as having sex, choosing the path of science, or being homosexual, to name a few...), who stablishes an anti-natural moral code based on hatred towards this life and all its facets, can't be positive. Nowadays all this isn't being taken too seriously, but the original essence of this cult was that terrible and obscure. I say hatred towards this life because all this set of sins, prayers, moral rules and restrictions, have one very clear goal: to make one reach a better life in Heaven. This is the problem. Why do we need this? Why not celebrate this life, which is the only thing we surely have, with its triumphs and tragedies, war and peace, love and hate? We don't need to judge life and, as we don't like it, invent another one; it would be much better to become strong individuals and be capable of enjoying and celebrating our existence with all its consequences, good of course but also bad. An existence ruled by religion leads to dark periods of ignorance and sorrow: The Middle Ages, here in Europe... it is a fact that religions tends to cooperate with political powers in order to dominate and enslave. And it's not the politicians who do that, but their (religion's) leaders on Earth: preachers etc.
My opinion : ALL ethical "laws" people have and all moral beliefs come from religion. Human needs spiritual guidance. Its his choice if and how he should embrace that. And that song "Find Yourself, Discover God" has that meaning, me thinks. Some human qualities could never be realized without someone else to point them out (the "Love your Enemy" thing i said, for example)