Why TRIVIUM Kept Quiet During Making Of 'Silence In The Snow'


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Allschools recently conducted an interview with guitarist/vocalist Matt Heafy of Florida metallers TRIVIUM. You can now watch the chat below. A couple of excerpts follow (transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET).On why TRIVIUM was so silent during the making of the band's seventh studio album, "Silence In The Snow":"We were looking at how all the other bands were promoting their new records that were coming out, and it was basically the same thing: band guy, Instagram, sitting by the computer with a beer, saying, 'Oh, I just finished drums,' or, 'I just finished this,' or, 'I finished that.' And we saw that it's basically every band in the world doing the exact same thing. And we said, 'How can we be different?' Well, if everyone is talking about the record all the time, let's not let anyone know we're recording at all and just release it when it's done. And it got me thinking about film: when a movie is coming out, when 'Star Wars' is about to come out, we're not seeing the 'making of' now; we're seeing trailers for the final product, see the final product, and then the 'making of' is after. So, with us, we wanted to wait, release a video the first thing, and let that be the first thing versus us teasing stuff without music. We knew exactly what what we were doing. We had the plans set, built up all the preparation with materials and timed that exactly when everything would come out."On the making of "Silence In The Snow":"A big thing with us on this album is we wanted to go back to what it is to be a band, and that means a band writing in a room together — four guys, or however many, jamming in a room and not writing on computers like it's been done so much lately. Obviosuly, it's recorded to computers in the end, but, for us, we wanted to make sure we jammed and were able to play it as people first and work on it from there. The main song, 'Silence In The Snow', was actually written back in 2007 after seeing HEAVEN & HELL — [Ronnie James] Dio singing for BLACK SABBATH — in Japan. Seeing that for the first time really changed something in all of us, and I started writing the song 'Silence In The Snow' back in 2007. And I feel that song, maybe, was too big for where we were at the time, maybe we hadn't grown into the song yet, so we held on to it for about eight years, where finally Paolo [Gregoletto, bass] was, like, 'I think 'Silence In The Snow' should be on the next record.' And we wrote new music, put that on there, and that became the title track of the record.""Silence In The Snow" will be released on October 2 via Roadrunner. The follow-up to 2013's "Vengeance Falls" was produced by Michael "Elvis" Baskette (SLASH, ALTER BRIDGE, THE AMITY AFFLICTION) and was mixed by Josh Wilbur (GOJIRA, LAMB OF GOD). TRIVIUM in May 2014 parted ways with drummer Nick Augusto due to personal differences. Stepping in for him on TRIVIUM's most recent dates and on the new album was the band's drum tech, Mat Madiro.

