Why we shouldn't vote for G.W.


Jun 20, 2003
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I would have thought this one was obvious to people who post on a heavy metal forum, but apparently not. Do you really think that a far right nut Jesus freak with open ties to religious right fuckwits looks favorably on a band like SOD or its followers? Hmm. Now, I would NEVER think that far right twats would seek to further censor or clamp down on metal lyrics or anything they think doesn't sit well with their Bible Thumpin' agenda. I mean, they're not harrassing Howard Stern or anything. Cough. If GW wins, we can look forward to even tighter 'standards' of 'decency.' Great.

As GW and his cronies further estrange the rest of the world, it makes it more expensive to buy good European beer here. Now, we all know that German and Belgian beer, to name two, are infinitely better than that weak piss Americans call beer, and now these countries are jacking up trade prices. I'll still buy the imported Euro stuff, because I know my beer, and I'd rather score my body with razor blade cuts and roll around in a vat of sea salt than drink Bud or Coors or Michelob, but again... thanks, GW!

Inbred redneck fucks from the south and Midwest love this guy. That ALONE should tell you something, no?

Some GW supporters will say that he is good on defense, and that our country is in crisis, at war, etc... if things are so desperate now, then what are you doing posting on an internet forum, lazy bones? Go enlist! I wonder if you will feel the same when you're drafted. Hey, I honestly would fight if this country were invaded, and there was an actual, valid reason to fight, but not in this war. I'm not against the people who are serving in Iraq, I'm against the fuckheads who are giving the orders.

At least John Kerry is from an actual, civilized, non-redneck place- Boston. Do you really want this boll weevil yee-haw Tex twat GW as your president? What the fuck is WRONG with you? Maybe if you lay off the Schlitz and turn off the WWE you'll wake up. I wouldn't count on it, though.
Steven said:
I would have thought this one was obvious to people who post on a heavy metal forum, but apparently not. Do you really think that a far right nut Jesus freak with open ties to religious right fuckwits looks favorably on a band like SOD or its followers? Hmm. Now, I would NEVER think that far right twats would seek to further censor or clamp down on metal lyrics or anything they think doesn't sit well with their Bible Thumpin' agenda. I mean, they're not harrassing Howard Stern or anything. Cough. If GW wins, we can look forward to even tighter 'standards' of 'decency.' Great.

As GW and his cronies further estrange the rest of the world, it makes it more expensive to buy good European beer here. Now, we all know that German and Belgian beer, to name two, are infinitely better than that weak piss Americans call beer, and now these countries are jacking up trade prices. I'll still buy the imported Euro stuff, because I know my beer, and I'd rather score my body with razor blade cuts and roll around in a vat of sea salt than drink Bud or Coors or Michelob, but again... thanks, GW!

Inbred redneck fucks from the south and Midwest love this guy. That ALONE should tell you something, no?

Some GW supporters will say that he is good on defense, and that our country is in crisis, at war, etc... if things are so desperate now, then what are you doing posting on an internet forum, lazy bones? Go enlist! I wonder if you will feel the same when you're drafted. Hey, I honestly would fight if this country were invaded, and there was an actual, valid reason to fight, but not in this war. I'm not against the people who are serving in Iraq, I'm against the fuckheads who are giving the orders.

At least John Kerry is from an actual, civilized, non-redneck place- Boston. Do you really want this boll weevil yee-haw Tex twat GW as your president? What the fuck is WRONG with you? Maybe if you lay off the Schlitz and turn off the WWE you'll wake up. I wouldn't count on it, though.

Wow, you are really the informative one. I am voting for Kerry, but christ if you are voting for Kerry then you should use a little more information then just stating that "at least he doesn't come from a redneck place" because you sound dumber then the inbreds you are talking about. How about stating why you are voting for Kerry and why he is better on the issues surrounding the United States... Damn, you are the reason why us Democrats have such bad reputations. Also, piss pants I highly doubt that you would serve in any war. Mr. Holier than thou I drink Euro trash beer, you are a spineless shit talker that I am disgusted to be associated with.
1st off it was tipper gore and her gang of bleeding heart liberals who tried to
censor what we should be able to see & hear....not to mention that the term
"pollitically correct" never existed until the clinton administration
I haven't seen Pres Bush say anything about this shit, and he's only been in office for what??? Oh yeah 4 fucking years!!!! Moving on......

And you're crying about beer prices.....Break out the razors loser and if you should need any assistance with getting into the salt.....I'm here to help!! That's an idiotic thing to be crying about when there's so many other serious issues going on right now.....But after reading your post I believe you're an idiot, so it all makes sense.

And you'll only get involved when this countries invaded?? So the crimes agaisnt humanity commited by hussein (Like gassing his own people for one)
aren't important enough to warrant intervention from a counrty to help these people?....Go Fuck yourself!!! If your ass was being stomped by 5 guys....and
a guy like oh for arguments sake lets say Ray Lewis was walking by and even though he could easily help you and probably save your life figured it's your problem and kept walking would that be o.k.???

And this is my favorite part of your bullshit post....
"At least John Kerry is from an actual, civilized, non-redneck place- Boston"

I don't know where you hide....But I live in Boston and it's just as fucked up as places in the other 49 states....No better,no worse, except that Mass in general wants to be an east coast version of Calif and has been trying by adopting many of their bullshit laws.

My advice to you is simple....Lay off the Heineken (Because slow people shouldn't drink) Turn off the cnn, remove your head from your ass, open your eyes and maybe, just maybe you'll see the truth (though I doubt it)

Steven said:
I would have thought this one was obvious to people who post on a heavy metal forum, but apparently not. Do you really think that a far right nut Jesus freak with open ties to religious right fuckwits looks favorably on a band like SOD or its followers? Hmm. Now, I would NEVER think that far right twats would seek to further censor or clamp down on metal lyrics or anything they think doesn't sit well with their Bible Thumpin' agenda. I mean, they're not harrassing Howard Stern or anything. Cough. If GW wins, we can look forward to even tighter 'standards' of 'decency.' Great.

As GW and his cronies further estrange the rest of the world, it makes it more expensive to buy good European beer here. Now, we all know that German and Belgian beer, to name two, are infinitely better than that weak piss Americans call beer, and now these countries are jacking up trade prices. I'll still buy the imported Euro stuff, because I know my beer, and I'd rather score my body with razor blade cuts and roll around in a vat of sea salt than drink Bud or Coors or Michelob, but again... thanks, GW!

Inbred redneck fucks from the south and Midwest love this guy. That ALONE should tell you something, no?

Some GW supporters will say that he is good on defense, and that our country is in crisis, at war, etc... if things are so desperate now, then what are you doing posting on an internet forum, lazy bones? Go enlist! I wonder if you will feel the same when you're drafted. Hey, I honestly would fight if this country were invaded, and there was an actual, valid reason to fight, but not in this war. I'm not against the people who are serving in Iraq, I'm against the fuckheads who are giving the orders.

At least John Kerry is from an actual, civilized, non-redneck place- Boston. Do you really want this boll weevil yee-haw Tex twat GW as your president? What the fuck is WRONG with you? Maybe if you lay off the Schlitz and turn off the WWE you'll wake up. I wouldn't count on it, though.

Dude, you called that pussy "Piss Pants"....Too Fucking Funny bro!!
He is a spineless shit talker!! I'm glad I wasn't the only one to notice.

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Oh yeah, I am also even more disgusted that I have the same name as you. Fucking twat.
Well................... I have seen the light................your absolutly right, we should vote for Kerry guys, after all he will tell us what we want to hear everytime even if it is wrong.
I also dont mind if Kerry was a fucking traitor in Vietnam , or if his french cunt(wife) will be running the show cause he dont have the fucking balls to tell her ass to get in the kitchen and make a sandwich, ....................

you right Dude that just what we need in the white house, some fucking loser, who will let the world walk all over him, whos french cunt( wife) will be running this country...............good idea Stevie

Stevie said:
I would have thought this one was obvious to people who post on a heavy metal forum, but apparently not. Do you really think that a far right nut Jesus freak with open ties to religious right fuckwits looks favorably on a band like SOD or its followers? Hmm. Now, I would NEVER think that far right twats would seek to further censor or clamp down on metal lyrics or anything they think doesn't sit well with their Bible Thumpin' agenda. I mean, they're not harrassing Howard Stern or anything. Cough. If GW wins, we can look forward to even tighter 'standards' of 'decency.' Great.
The first amendment is a wonderful thing that Democrats and republican have tried to take away and they all failed miserably.........

As GW and his cronies further estrange the rest of the world, it makes it more expensive to buy good European beer here. Now, we all know that German and Belgian beer, to name two, are infinitely better than that weak piss Americans call beer, and now these countries are jacking up trade prices. I'll still buy the imported Euro stuff, because I know my beer, and I'd rather score my body with razor blade cuts and roll around in a vat of sea salt than drink Bud or Coors or Michelob, but again... thanks, GW!
SO go pay more money for your fucking beer, I for one dont give two shits what the people next door to me think about me so what makes you think I could give a fuck what some other country thinks

Inbred redneck fucks from the south and Midwest love this guy. That ALONE should tell you something, no?
If they were the only ones who love him how did he get elected in the first place?

Some GW supporters will say that he is good on defense, and that our country is in crisis, at war, etc... if things are so desperate now, then what are you doing posting on an internet forum, lazy bones? Go enlist! I wonder if you will feel the same when you're drafted. Hey, I honestly would fight if this country were invaded, and there was an actual, valid reason to fight, but not in this war. I'm not against the people who are serving in Iraq, I'm against the fuckheads who are giving the orders.
hey you know what , I voted for bush before and I am going to vote for him again, as for supporting my country .......I pay taxes.................

At least John Kerry is from an actual, civilized, non-redneck place- Boston. Do you really want this boll weevil yee-haw Tex twat GW as your president? What the fuck is WRONG with you? Maybe if you lay off the Schlitz and turn off the WWE you'll wake up. I wouldn't count on it, though.
like I said before, I dont want to see some liberal pussy, who`s french cunt( wife ) will be running the country, who says we`re not going to do this and turns around and does the opposite ........... the world will walk all over the USA if that fuck is elected president, you may not care, but I do......

so take your gay liberal polesmoking ass over to the Anthrax board .......you`ll fit in just fine...........................
Right, first off with the beer. It's funny that Heineken is the only European beer you know about, apparently. Heineken is piss. It is to European beer what Winger is to metal. ACTUAL European beer tastes better and is stronger than the American stuff-- I thought such macho guys as you would appreciate a higher alc. content. More importantly, effort and care are put into brewing it in places like Germany, England, Belgium, etc., unlike the weak piss you're fond of. Why--- just fucking WHY-- do you continue to buy this shit? You may as well drink fucking soda-- it's just as strong.

Next to Kerry-- you know why I don't cite any reasons why he'd make a good candidate? Because there AREN'T any. He is mediocre to a fault. That should tell you how fucked up W is that Kerry is the better option; while Kerry would run in place, W will actively take the wrong path. We're safer under W, are we? Ahh... yes. There HAVEN'T been thousands of Al-Qaeda wannabes created as a result of the current war, or anything. No, we haven't stirred up a hornet's nest. We're completely safe. Right.

To the guy who said that I wouldn't serve in any war- I assume from your tough talk that you either are currently in the military or have been in it. Thanks for your service.
Since you served you are qualified to speak on such matters.

How was Kerry a traitor in Vietnam? He served there- hey, it wasn't long, only a few months, but that must count for more in your blinkered eyes than non-service in the National Guard, if you're honest- and had the honesty afterwards to say that it was a fucking sham. It was a civil war. Did North Vietnam ever intend to attack us, before we got involved? No. We had no business being there, then. Why didn't we intervene in every single civil war the world has seen since, if we're so principled, if we are really the world's police force?

Also, to the guy from Boston- I'm from Mass. too. And of course neither Boston or Ma. are perfect-- but they are infinitely better than fucking Appallachia, the Deep South, or the Midwest. If Arkansas is so great, man, than by all means uproot. I'm staying here, though...
As usual old School.....VERY WELL PUT!!!

Take your european beer drinking ass to france sissy!!
You'll fit right in!!

old school headbanger said:
Well................... I have seen the light................your absolutly right, we should vote for Kerry guys, after all he will tell us what we want to hear everytime even if it is wrong.
I also dont mind if Kerry was a fucking traitor in Vietnam , or if his french cunt(wife) will be running the show cause he dont have the fucking balls to tell her ass to get in the kitchen and make a sandwich, ....................

you right Dude that just what we need in the white house, some fucking loser, who will let the world walk all over him, whos french cunt( wife) will be running this country...............good idea Stevie

The first amendment is a wonderful thing that Democrats and republican have tried to take away and they all failed miserably.........

SO go pay more money for your fucking beer, I for one dont give two shits what the people next door to me think about me so what makes you think I could give a fuck what some other country thinks

If they were the only ones who love him how did he get elected in the first place?

hey you know what , I voted for bush before and I am going to vote for him again, as for supporting my country .......I pay taxes.................

like I said before, I dont want to see some liberal pussy, who`s french cunt( wife ) will be running the country, who says we`re not going to do this and turns around and does the opposite ........... the world will walk all over the USA if that fuck is elected president, you may not care, but I do......

so take your gay liberal polesmoking ass over to the Anthrax board .......you`ll fit in just fine...........................
Stevie said:
Also, to the guy from Boston- I'm from Mass. too. And of course neither Boston or Ma. are perfect-- but they are infinitely better than fucking Appallachia, the Deep South, or the Midwest. If Arkansas is so great, man, than by all means uproot. I'm staying here, though...
Probley because your husband doesnt want to leave........................

Listen dude, you talking to the wall here. Kerry gladly came back from the war and told congress how we were acting like barbarians, killing innocent civilians,children ect.ect.. He gladly said all this when there were Americans who were captured, tortured and eventually killed because they wouldnt sign "confessions" that said the same thing Kerry went on to tell congress.
POWs= heros

Bushes military record, well CBS had to go and fabricate evidence saying that Bush did go AWOl or whatever the lie was. CBS got caught so you can belive lies if you want, I dont.................

Are we safer? Lets see, we had terrorist attacking us every 1 or 2 years before 9/11................how many attacks have we had in the last 3 years?
zero, nil, none
Come on dude you dont think, all this security isnt working? I feel safer, But i suppose you one of "them" who feels the patriot act is taking all our rights away.......... right? before you answer let me say The only people who have anything to worry about with the Patriot act are criminals..........Im not a criminal, I dont do any thing wrong, so what do I have to worry about? If your a criminal................you better worry........................... But hey what do I know Im just a In-bred redneck right?ssssssooooooooo
T-Mann, Im getting real sick of these liberal fagot fucks who cant say anything better than " Bush is stupid" or " only rednecks like Bush" . what the fuck ? Cant these people come up with some facts?

Fact, Kerry is a fucking liar, He votes for the war and runs around the country condeming it..............
Fact, he wont answer any question about what he has done in the senate
Fact, he voted to reduce money on inteligence, weapons, and stuff like body armor for our troops.

What all these fucking retards dont understand is , there are a hell of alot of people running this country not just the president, you got congress, the senate, and then the president, if one of them dont agree on something it dont happen, but its the presidents fault.............

stupid fucks.................
The13thCandle said:
Im not voting for Bush because I believe Kerry is the lesser of 2 evils and the smarter of 2 retards.
If thats what you belive.........fine. I dont have a problem with that , its fucks like Stevie there, with the whole "only rednecks like bush"or "Bush is stupid" or " I can belive you guys are voting for bush" attitude.
WOW...so you drink European beers...neato. I've been known to enjoy a Foster's or two (although it's Australian).

BUT, why drink sissy drinks like beer? Pussies. Drink the real stuff...mainline Jack and Coke into my veins, biotch...
I wonder if you will feel the same when you're drafted
contrary to popular belief the us military is reducing its numbers. Just a lil fyi for all the "oh jesus a draft" people.

Kerry looks too much like Gomer Pile, I can't take him seriously.
Dr. Demented,
I agree with you, if getting hammered is the plan, skip the beer and head straight for the hard shit.
I don't drink beer solely for the blitz, though- more for the taste. If I get a buzz off of it, that's a bonus.

The reason I brought up European beers is this-- if you are going to bother to drink beer, why bother with the terrible American shit? Why not go for the best? Why take the old lazy route and buy the same old shit that is shat out of Pete Coor's factory, instead of getting up off your ass and looking into proper beer? Maybe Jeremiah Shithead in East Nowheresville will drop the Old Milwaukee and actually try something that doesn't offend the good name of proper breweries, if he wants to drink some good beer for a change.

Besides, don't you think it's amusing that these macho types are constantly calling Europeans 'fags', 'pussies', etc., and yet they are drinking piss-weak beer while the so-called Euro 'pussies' are drinking the real deal (much stronger and better tasting beer, as I've already said)?

Mr. Evil Dead,
Funny you mention the draft, when you know that the Allthing will never sanction something like the draft in your country! It's a shame about the Icelandic beer controversy a few years back- hopefully it's been
straightened out.

Fuck it, I am sick of being called an anti-war 'fag' or whatever by precisely those people who never HAVE, and never WILL, serve in combat. Fuck off, you chicken hawks.
I know that one or two of you here have served in the military, and for that you are to be respected. Anyone else who talks like a fucking Bitch Bully, fuck off and walk the bloody walk before you start that again.
Steven said:
Besides, don't you think it's amusing that these macho types are constantly calling Europeans 'fags', 'pussies', etc., and yet they are drinking piss-weak beer while the so-called Euro 'pussies' are drinking the real deal (much stronger and better tasting beer, as I've already said)?


I dont drink.....all beer tastes like piss
Steven said:
The reason I brought up European beers is this-- .

No the reason you brought up european beer was cause you blamed the prices on america and George Bush............... hence the title of this thread "why we shouldnt vote for G.W."..........................
Steven, you are a retard. Like Old School said, can you come up with sometihing new, other than the "only rednecks like Bush" or "Bush isn't smart"?

Bush is good on defence. I don't think Kerry is fit because he talks about a "sensitive war on terror!" Sensitive! Bush will go after the terrorist with full force, and will not stop. I'd hate to know the outcome of this "sensitve war on terror".

God, liberals piss me off!
Another disillusioned Leftist. And the guy who brought up how democratic liberals can come up with nothing better than "redneck Bush" or calling him stupid has a good point. These are the same people who titled Bush another "Adolf Hitler". Give me a fucking break. These are also people that claim to support our troops yet turn around and condemn their actions and purposes in Iraq. These are people who beckon for "Peace & Love" in their own little hallucinating dream world but refuse to see evil tyrants such as Hussein as a major threat. People that are similar to those when the Vietnam soldiers returned, where they cried out those ridiculous names and literally spat on them. They to this day still owe the Vietnam vets an apology for their acts of utter stupidity. And so does John Kerry. Four months was all he served in 'nam, and I could care less what he did as I could care less what Bush did. This is now.
Tell me ... what exactly is wrong with freeing millions of civilians from an idiotic tyrant that for mere shits and giggles, would at a soccer half time show pick a peasant from the crowd and slit their throat? Just for entertainment of course.

Ranging from maniacal street protests to vile anti-America rantings, Leftists are still protesting a war which even they know has ridded the world of a barbaric regime which oppressed, tortured and murdered its own people thousands of times since his reign. Women and children have lived the most horrific of lives - which included rape rooms and other torture chambers. Yet we still hear "Save Iraq's babies". This war is finally saving those babies. Oh but Bush is only going for the oil right? While saving millions ... including our asses. We've disturbed a hornet's nest? Friend, it's been disturbed by our patriotic principles and support for Israel and many other reasons since the beginning. Have there been any attacks since 9/11? No.
Man, I wonder what the terrorists would think if a pussyass like Kerry got into office and claimed that the war on terror would be "sensitive"? :Smug: Our borders would be nice and safe then wouldn't they? Sure. Islamic radicals hate us, and they hate us immensely for supporting Israel ... yes, that is one of the main reasons whether dumbfucks like liberals believe it or not.

Consider the recent track record of the Left when it comes to important social issues, their rejection of action that will save lives and make the world a better place. Doesn't surprise me really. Murdering 3,000 American civilians isn't terrorism if the murderers are Muslims, it's merely the Freedom Fighter's lact act of heroism against an opressor, right?

Yeah ... wake the fuck up.

And you complain about the pricing of beer? :lol:
Unfortunatley, I think your post was WAY too intelligent for this loser....
All your points made were accurate and right on the money.....Sadly enough
though this monkey is more interested in the price of importing eurobeer
than the state of the country or the actual issues surrounding the presidential elections.

Guitarmaster said:
Another disillusioned Leftist. And the guy who brought up how democratic liberals can come up with nothing better than "redneck Bush" or calling him stupid has a good point. These are the same people who titled Bush another "Adolf Hitler". Give me a fucking break. These are also people that claim to support our troops yet turn around and condemn their actions and purposes in Iraq. These are people who beckon for "Peace & Love" in their own little hallucinating dream world but refuse to see evil tyrants such as Hussein as a major threat. People that are similar to those when the Vietnam soldiers returned, where they cried out those ridiculous names and literally spat on them. They to this day still owe the Vietnam vets an apology for their acts of utter stupidity. And so does John Kerry. Four months was all he served in 'nam, and I could care less what he did as I could care less what Bush did. This is now.
Tell me ... what exactly is wrong with freeing millions of civilians from an idiotic tyrant that for mere shits and giggles, would at a soccer half time show pick a peasant from the crowd and slit their throat? Just for entertainment of course.

Ranging from maniacal street protests to vile anti-America rantings, Leftists are still protesting a war which even they know has ridded the world of a barbaric regime which oppressed, tortured and murdered its own people thousands of times since his reign. Women and children have lived the most horrific of lives - which included rape rooms and other torture chambers. Yet we still hear "Save Iraq's babies". This war is finally saving those babies. Oh but Bush is only going for the oil right? While saving millions ... including our asses. We've disturbed a hornet's nest? Friend, it's been disturbed by our patriotic principles and support for Israel and many other reasons since the beginning. Have there been any attacks since 9/11? No.
Man, I wonder what the terrorists would think if a pussyass like Kerry got into office and claimed that the war on terror would be "sensitive"? :Smug: Our borders would be nice and safe then wouldn't they? Sure. Islamic radicals hate us, and they hate us immensely for supporting Israel ... yes, that is one of the main reasons whether dumbfucks like liberals believe it or not.

Consider the recent track record of the Left when it comes to important social issues, their rejection of action that will save lives and make the world a better place. Doesn't surprise me really. Murdering 3,000 American civilians isn't terrorism if the murderers are Muslims, it's merely the Freedom Fighter's lact act of heroism against an opressor, right?

Yeah ... wake the fuck up.

And you complain about the pricing of beer? :lol: