

all the way
Dec 30, 2001
like in greece it was the same story again. everybody wants sleepless and a dying wish. while most fans got interested in the band because of a4 or judgement. and this especially counts for greece as they got big there with a4.

whats the point in screaming for the oldies then... i mean you didnt grow up with it, did you? only a few people did. if it was top notch stuff, then id say okay. but this is nowhere as good as the material since eternity.

anyone who has a good reason to shout for these? :Smug: heh
Who needs good reasons :cool:
Sure, people screaming for those songs is annoying as fuck, but I do enjoy hearing them, and it's good for the variety in the setlist. But then again, if they do decide to play old songs I wonder why it's always those two. I'd like to hear Kingdom or Shroud of Frost.
Mariner said:
like in greece it was the same story again. everybody wants sleepless and a dying wish. while most fans got interested in the band because of a4 or judgement. and this especially counts for greece as they got big there with a4.

whats the point in screaming for the oldies then... i mean you didnt grow up with it, did you? only a few people did. if it was top notch stuff, then id say okay. but this is nowhere as good as the material since eternity.

anyone who has a good reason to shout for these? :Smug: heh
yeah..I was wondering about that too.. :err:
sleepless and a dying wish are ace. if the band didnt play them in the past, people wouldnt scream for them, so its kind of the bands fault too, in a good way i mean.

anyways, they're top songs as i said so i thing people rightfuly scream for them. at the previous gig 2 years ago a lad screamed for sleep in sanity for ages like. imagine that...
sol83 said:
sleepless and a dying wish are ace. if the band didnt play them in the past, people wouldnt scream for them, so its kind of the bands fault too, in a good way i mean.
hahahaha, you're blaming a band for playing a song???????????????? hahahaha :lol: post of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you didnt get it. i'm saying that if anathema didnt play these songs in the past people would obviously not be so mental about them. "the bands fault" was a figure of speach ffs...
Mariner said:
like in greece it was the same story again. everybody wants sleepless and a dying wish. while most fans got interested in the band because of a4 or judgement. and this especially counts for greece as they got big there with a4.

whats the point in screaming for the oldies then... i mean you didnt grow up with it, did you? only a few people did. if it was top notch stuff, then id say okay. but this is nowhere as good as the material since eternity.

anyone who has a good reason to shout for these? :Smug: heh
Yeah I agree with you one this one. I also said something like this after the last gig in the biebob. I would really be glad if those to songs finally get out of the setlist! Maybe it would like another old song to be played, but only if they would play it in a version that is compatible with the way Anathema sound nowadays...
I think the old ones were really nice in Athens, the setlist was very long so they didnt skip any good new songs for the great old ones, was a good mixture really! and I think there were at least as many ppl singing along with "Flying" for example as with "A Dying Wish" :)
ah come on now....just because you(plural)may prefer the new stuff doesnt mean that old stuff is not as good...Those albums wrote history in the archives of "metal".They're not as easy listening as the newer ones are!

Of course eeeeeeeeeeeverybody loved A4 because its seems to be easy listening and melodic,but its a very depressing record,considering the content.Anyway so many people in greece know A4 because the want to play it to their girlfriends because it has nice ballads(!!!!!!!),even people that listen to bellydance music and relevant crap :ill:

I'm a new Anathema fan myself.ive only known them since Judgement era,tho the first album i literally burned in my cd player was A4....Then i started buying everything.I wish,I WISH i knew them before so i'd have the excitement of every album coming out and the band progressing.But this didnt happen.I still consumed time and mind to listen to each of them,connected it with personal experiences,states of mind etc So i lived them and somehow grew up with them(not to the extent id love to but still)