

pǝƃuɐq ǝq ɹo ƃuɐq
Jun 8, 2004
Johannesburg - South Africa
...in the name of all that's good/evil, does Steven Tyler want to be an Idols Judge?
Last night I came home and truce as f*&%@, there he is, right next to Jenefer Lopez and some other fat ass whom I dont care to know.
I dont know if it's live or weather this has been discussed here before but what the hell man, why would rocker / metalhead like Steven buy into all this bullshit? surely he's got enough money.
I'm sorry but I have no respect for that show, if people really have all that "talent" and "drive" they would have got to the top by themselves, it's nothing more than plastic entertainment imo and I think he's a douche for wanting to be associated with it.
Never, ever watched even 1 minute of the show. Since it has nothing to do with what kind of music I like, why bother, you know?
Hahaha, I only watch the first two weeks when simon was on when he shreds those talentless hacks to pieces. Pure genious. Haven't watched it since he left and old fat dude is randy jackson.
I could only stomach about a half hour of one of the AI shows. The worst thing was that Tyler wasn't particularly interesting as a judge... actually more annoying than anything, be it singing over the contestants, or just being generally noncomittal / indecisive.