Wii U - Nintendos New Console

I think it´s just a terrible gimmick.
It looks very unconfotable to hold while playing a game (who wants to play holding a huge square tablet?), it´s not really portable like a PSP or a DS, it will probably only have exclusive games (no major multiplatform releases like X360, PS3 and PC), the battery life must be short... and IMO it´s just not an advantage at all to have two screens. I´d rather just pause the game for inventory than have to look away from the big screen (and the action) to check these stuff.

I´m skept. IMO Wii, Siaxis, 3DS, Kinekt, touch-screen and all these input gimmicks of this generation have yet to make a single GREAT game. The only one that did was GuitarHero/RockBand, but it´s more like a very specific controller than a new form of general input.

I believe I´m getting a PS Vita when it comes out. Seems to have what gamers really want.
I believe I´m getting a PS Vita when it comes out. Seems to have what gamers really want.

What's special about it? I just watched a trailer about it and it didn't seem to display anything new or interesting.

Touchscreen? We already have all these iPhone and other mobile games that have pretty much consumed the possibilities for anything new and amazing utilizing that kind of technology IMO
What's special about it? I just watched a trailer about it and it didn't seem to display anything new or interesting.

Touchscreen? We already have all these iPhone and other mobile games that have pretty much consumed the possibilities for anything new and amazing utilizing that kind of technology IMO

Well, it has gimmicks such as:
-Six-axis: Motion control, accelerometer, gyroscope, and digital compass
-Multi-touch screen: Front and rear
-Cameras: Front and rear
-Internal Mic
-General apps: Web browser, media player, etc

But also has the stuff that really matters for a videogame:

-Great graphics: Almost as good as PS3/X360
-Great multiplayer: Wifi, G3 and PS Network
-Great controls: Same scheme of PS3/X360 (two analog sticks, one digital, face and shoulder buttons), perfect for the modern games such as God Of War, Street Fighter 4, Mass Effect, etc.

So, IMO, it´s the only new console that is trying to please the actual gamer crowd. That will give you the same experience you would expect from a PS3/X360 , but on the go, in the bed waiting for sleep or reamping some tracks. Can´t wait to play a decent Call Of Duty online while taking a dump.
I personally hate all these new "gimmick" things. I don't fucking care if i have touch screen or motion sensing or any bullshit. i want good games with nice graphics to put me into the game. the other stuff are just stupid toys for people who never really liked playing video games in the first place.
I think it´s just a terrible gimmick.
It looks very unconfotable to hold while playing a game (who wants to play holding a huge square tablet?), it´s not really portable like a PSP or a DS, it will probably only have exclusive games (no major multiplatform releases like X360, PS3 and PC), the battery life must be short... and IMO it´s just not an advantage at all to have two screens. I´d rather just pause the game for inventory than have to look away from the big screen (and the action) to check these stuff.

I´m skept. IMO Wii, Siaxis, 3DS, Kinekt, touch-screen and all these input gimmicks of this generation have yet to make a single GREAT game. The only one that did was GuitarHero/RockBand, but it´s more like a very specific controller than a new form of general input.

I believe I´m getting a PS Vita when it comes out. Seems to have what gamers really want.

Add to that the fact that you can only use one attached to a console at any given time... no multiplayer with it.
If you search around you can find videos of people playing FPS games on them. It's fucking terrible to play on. Developers insist it's just the beta of the game they are making... we'll see. The analog sticks are crap.

Also, the Wii U handheld device is not a console, it goes with the new Wii console coming out.

Once again, Nintendo will bomb, I am calling it now.
FWIW, people called the Wii a gimmick too when it came out.. and now it's the most popular console in the world

I think it´s quite the opposite. When it came out people were amazed, and it sold a shitton of consoles for the non-gamer crowd. I know a lot of people that own a Wii but don´t play it anymore.

How many GREAT Wii games have been released? IMO, not a single one, and even the good ones are just reheated versions of past Nintendo classics: Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros, Zelda, Metroid and Donkey Kong.

All the great games of this generation have been for X360/PS3: Call of Duty, Halo, Gears Of War, Mass Effect, God Of War, GTA IV, Fallout, Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid, Rock Band, Little Big Planet, Skate, Borderlands, Dragon Age and Heavy Rain.

Besides Rock Band, nome of them rely on input gimmicks. That´s why I´m skept with these new toys. If even Kinekt, that is a badass technology, couldn´t produce a single great game...
FWIW, people called the Wii a gimmick too when it came out.. and now it's the most popular console in the world

Yup - and I think the back looks quite ergonomically designed, so it doesn't look uncomfortable to hold IMO (weight will be the real key factor though) - as for the usefulness of the second screen, it's up to the designers I guess, but I have faith Nintendo will come up with some good stuff!

Also, with the mention of gaming on the iPhone/itouch I feel the need to mention that no serious action game can ever be played on a toucscreen alone, you absolutely need buttons and analog sticks/sliders, not only for the essential tactile feedback and quick multiple-function control (FUCK playing a racing game where the car accelerates for you, or a shooter where you have to stop moving to shoot) but also so your big thumbs don't cover up half the fucking screen. I have a few FPS's on my iPhone, and playing them is just awful, with those retarded on-screen movement controls, give me a break! I just hate how all these smartphones have amazing graphics capabilities but the UI is so hampered (nerd-rage :yell::lol: )

So yes, the Playstation Vita (I liked NGP as a name better personally) looks tits, and the fact that the screen is touch-sensitive is entirely secondary and not the main focus
I think Nintendo may have fucked this one up, it's all good on paper until you get to that touchscreen controller and then it all goes pear-shaped. As somebody else already pointed out, another controller is going to be monumentally expensive unless Nintendo cheap out on it, and lets be honest you're going to need another controller if there are young children involved, since no 10 year old will want to sit there with the shitty original Wii controller when his older brother has the fancy touchscreen one, a shit-storm will ensue. :lol:

Maybe I'll be proved wrong and it will be a hit, and more importantly actually compete graphically with console's that have been out since 2005 instead of the lacklustre performances from the Wii and 3DS.

I think it´s quite the opposite. When it came out people were amazed, and it sold a shitton of consoles for the non-gamer crowd. I know a lot of people that own a Wii but don´t play it anymore.
This, I don't think the Wii that's in the living room has been played more than 3 times this year. Whereas the PS3 and XBOX in the house get played almost everyday.