Will Big Brother Be Your Company?


Nov 19, 2001
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International news actually occurred in Cincinnati yesterday. As the link describes, a security company located in the QUeen City, is reportedly the first to have employees implant chips under their skin, for their jobs. Apparently, it was voluntary, and the chips only open up doors and other areas of security access; but...

This raises a huge Orwellian question: will we be forced as employees, and even citizens, to be implanted with such chips that potentially could track where we are, contain all of our personal and financial information, et cetera?

Are there even laws against companies or the government that wish to use this technology? I doubt one in the armed forces will have any choice, but what about the rest of us?
Arguably, the implantation of these chips is just Orwellian scare tactics. The idea hints towards the extreme, but with credit cards, store cards and such like in such wide usage, people are already tracked beyond their imaginations - so in that respect this is not a great deal different.

I do abhore the idea, however. Just as I try to avoid using cards and store cards...I hate the idea of people knowing what i eat, where i shop and how many sanitary towels i have purchased for my girlfriend in the last week.
This sounds scary, but it's just one of many sinister scenarios I could list!
However, I don't want to mention my fears as they may potentially only come into existence because of me suggesting it in the first place!
What kind of a life would it be where we are controlled and monitored and censored at every turn? Well of course that is how THEY will guarantee our liberty, so we should be grateful....:erk:
Norsemaiden said:
This sounds scary, but it's just one of many sinister scenarios I could list!
However, I don't want to mention my fears as they may potentially only come into existence because of me suggesting it in the first place!
What kind of a life would it be where we are controlled and monitored and censored at every turn? Well of course that is how THEY will guarantee our liberty, so we should be grateful....:erk:

Entirely true. I'd rather live dangerously and free than safely under a viel of liberty that has its core rotten by greed (to paraphrase Rousseau)
Its a bit pointless really.
I work for a security firm and if we want a door open we use our ID swipe card...simple! This sound like technology for the sake of technology which is just a waste of time and money.

On the other hand if people are worried about being tracked by using this sort of chip they'd best cut up all those credit cards with chips, and loose the mobile phones and never buy anything with a card.
Like FP said, we are already tracked a lot anyway, so it not really a big change.
Lord SteveO said:
Its a bit pointless really.
I work for a security firm and if we want a door open we use our ID swipe card...simple! This sound like technology for the sake of technology which is just a waste of time and money.

On the other hand if people are worried about being tracked by using this sort of chip they'd best cut up all those credit cards with chips, and loose the mobile phones and never buy anything with a card.
Like FP said, we are already tracked a lot anyway, so it not really a big change.

Yes, but the issue is one's company will be doing the tracking. Your credit card and cell phone are being tracked by third parties, but if a company forced this system upon its employees, they would know exactly where you are while working, and as these things get more advanced...it could get scary.

When is enough, enough? When will all of you begin to protest? Would you protest?
Ya know, I think I posted something like this last year, and I was told it was all just conspiracy theories.

Well the real plan is not just everyone but everything, with those RFID(Radio Frequency Identifiaction" chips so that they can track the movement and purchase of every product. And it could(that is could) even lead to them knowing who bought that bottle of pop laying in the street and charging the person who left it there with littering.

Its called the VERICHIP. One nightclub required its VIP members to get it in a European City. They already have been putting them in pets and I'm sure criminals will be next.

I see tracking what you buy, as something that is not good, but ultimately doesn't actually lead you to any restrictions of life, whereas constant monitoring of your whereabouts is frightening. I can see most cities becoming like London(UK), with Camera's everywhere, track it's citizens with there chip implanted National ID cards. It's not if, but only matter of time before this happens, unless the people put an end to it before it's too late.
In my line of work, I have to re-apply every few years to have special airport access.....effective at all International airports. This requires a retina scan (held in a data base), finger prints (held in a data base), a security card (again, held in a data base).....as well as an in-depth background check on both myself and my wife.....and our parents!

After 9-11, things have changed significantly all over, and in areas that weren't affected before. Get ready for more measures.

They've talked of implanting chips in the prison populice for years now. But as long as they are entitled to vote, I doubt their human rights will be violated and compromised. And thus used as guinea pigs in the name of science and national security.
Well I'm not scared in anyway about these implantable chips until it because a must. It is going way too far once every citizen in the world is required to have one.

But Final Product is right. It is at the point that you have so many cards in your wallet that you are already tracked more than you know.

I can tell you exactly what I have in my wallet. A bank card, a drivers license (for ID) and 10 €. None of which have any chips or other tracking devices.

There is nothing else you need. If the government doesn't trust you then it should be over thrown and a new one should erect from the horrible smelling ashes. :D